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PCHgames Carniball Ball Tournament Announced!

Circles, shoots, precision aim, plus endless streams of points and prizes—that’s what skee ball’s all about! That thrill you get from shiny tokens and chances to win prizes big and small transforms those colorful hoops and holes into something fun; something hopeful. Our avid PCHgames fans probably know about this already, but in case you’re new to the game or maybe have always glossed over this one whenever you’re on PCHgames, you should probably know: Carniball (PCH’s online carnival-style skee ball game) offers all that thrill of honing skill and earning tokens in the comfort of your cozy home. Pretty awesome, huh?

But why, out of all of the PCH Games, write about Carniball today, you ask? Is something special brewing in the world of Carniball-land? Well, as a matter of fact there is. Now until Tuesday, August 23rd, PCHgames is beginning the Carniball Tournament practice rounds—and all of these practice rounds will lead up to next week’s big Carniball Tournament on Wednesday, August 24th!

Every now and then, the folks in charge of PCHgames like to run practice rounds and tournaments like this for games the fans can’t get enough of. The purpose of it all: to give players ten times the tokens that they’d ordinarily get! The bonuses spice up the competition and high-score battles, and make it more compelling. Secondly and most importantly, though: by the time the big Tournament rolls around, there will be even more excitement for top scores with  big cash prizes up for grabs! . After all, winning cash is  one of the coolest things about the Carniball Tournament.

When a fun game and cash prizes are  combined, all gamers playing Carniball on Tournament day have the chance to win what PCH is most famous for: cash prizes fit for top scorers!!

Corey N.

PCH Intern

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