5 Ways $1,000 A Day for Life Could Change Your Life

In case you haven’t noticed, the current Publishers Clearing House SuperPrize is one of the most lucrative on record – $1,000 A Day for Life!!! The easy math says that’s $365,000 a year, and that’s a not-too-shabby income. I mean, there are plenty of ways to earn $1,000 a day for life, right?
You could become a professional athlete, a neurosurgeon, or something else that requires a great deal of talent, schooling, and practice. If you’re not up to such tasks or simply don’t have the time, then you definitely should be entering every chance you get for a shot at winning a millionaire-making, $1,000 A Day for Life giveaway.
What $1,000 A Day for Life Could Do to the Top 5 Financial Fears
Winning $1,000 A Day for Life from Publishers Clearing House definitely could have you living in the lap of luxury, but oftentimes PCH fans dream of smaller, more immediate expenses. In fact, according to a 2018 survey reported by National Debt Relief the top five financial fears shared by most Americans are:
- Emergencies (car breaks down, home heating system needs repair, etc.)
- Medical expenses
- Not having enough money for retirement
- Unemployment
- Debt
As you read through that list, did you see anything with which you could identify? Maybe more than one thing? Maybe even all five? With so many uncertainties in life and potential changes around every corner, it’s good to know one thing is for sure – someone definitely will become a PCH millionaire because they chose to enter this giveaway!
Now, look forward just 10 short days to October 25 when the Prize Patrol will be knocking on someone’s door, perhaps ringing their bell, eagerly awaiting handing over the “big check.” Is your name on it? Right now, you have as good a shot at winning as anyone so take the shot because it could make you the ultimate winner!
Russell S.
PCH Creative