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Words From A $10,000.00 Winner: Natalie Glover!

Like many days recently in the Northeast part of the United States, it was getting pretty chilly outside. But when the Prize Patrol arrives in town, even the gloomiest of forecasts turns it into the brightest of days! That’s why everything changed into sunshine and roses when Danielle Lam of the Prize Patrol came to […]

Motivational Monday: Why You Should Just Keep On Swinging!!!

Hello, all of you players out there! As the baseball season comes into full swing, I thought I would choose an appropriate quote for my next Motivational Monday blog.  I came across this one from Babe Ruth that seemed perfect: “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” Just Play The […]

Take It From Some PCH Winners: Keep The Faith!

Hey guys! Matt the Statman here! As you may know, I interview lots of winners. They all have such interesting stories, and I can’t wait to learn more about today’s winner, Crystal Crawford! More on that in the coming weeks! But in the meantime, our PCH winners have a lot of encouraging things to say […]