Behind the Scenes at PCH: Meet My PCH Neighbor – Josh

Greetings, fans and friends,
Welcome to the first installment in the “Meet My PCH Neighbor” series, where we go behind the scenes to meet the people who help make the magic that is the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes!
I’ve read your blog comments and one thing you’ve said is that you’d like to see more behind-the-scenes stories. And so I thought, “Who here might our fans like to learn a little about?” and my answer was clear … Josh!
Josh is the Assistant Manager of Testing at PCH. His task is to oversee the day-to-day operations of testing, which includes managing the company’s testing goals as well as scheduling and analyzing tests.
You see, Publishers Clearing House is always testing out new and exciting ways to promote our incredible contests and sweepstakes, whether online or through the colorful bulletins you may receive in the mail. Sometimes we test new concepts … sometimes we test new contests … and sometimes we might add or delete something from a package to see how our fans and friends react to it. And Josh is the person who puts these tests into PCH’s schedule and who looks at the test results to see if you (hopefully) liked what you saw.
Josh has been working at PCH for seven years. “I originally started working in the Contest Department as the point person in prize fulfillment where I was in charge of getting winners the prizes they had won,” says Josh. Indeed, if you’ve received a PCH prize check a few years back, you might have Josh to thank!
Josh enjoys working at PCH because, as he says, “I like being able to work for a company that is generous with their charitable endeavors, and I love being able to see PCH award life-changing prizes to our fans.”
When Josh is not figuring out when the next PCH test should be mailed, he’s a huge sports and country music fan and he especially loves going to Yankee games and country music concerts with his wife.
I asked Josh to tell you folks an interesting fact about himself and he answered, “I have a daughter who is turning two years old this June and I am planning a Peppa Pig themed party for her!” (Yup, that’s Josh’s adorable little girl Victoria in the picture above!)
When I asked Josh for his advice to those of you who want to become PCH winners (and that’s pretty much all of you!), he answered, “Keep entering! You never know when your day could come. I have seen it firsthand, being able to talk to past winners when I worked in prize fulfillment.”
So, there you go, fans and friends – you just got to meet my PCH neighbor Josh – who helps PCH test out creative, fun and engaging packages so that you have what we hope is the best experience possible when it comes to entering the PCH Sweeps!
Where would you like me to go behind the scenes next? Who would YOU like to meet? Comment below! Thanks!
Debbie K.
PCH Creative