Behind The Scenes On Award Day: Mystery Prize Mania Winner

I hope you love a good mystery, because I’m sure you’ll love today’s THE MOST! That’s because the answer to this puzzle is to find the Prize Patrol at your doorstep! Well, if you entered and are selected the winner, that is!
That’s right, the Prize Patrol is hitting the road again today to award a huge prize to a winner! Today’s prize is a part of the Search&Win Mystery Prize Mania Event! You may have read my friend Will’s blog about it not too long ago here.
So, to get back to the mystery of it all, let’s give YOU a puzzle to solve right now! In classic PCH Blog fashion, we’re going to give you clues about where the winner is from. As the day goes on, the clues will get closer and closer to the winner’s location! And you never know – you might be just like the one blog reader a few weeks ago who was following along and wondered “could these clues be about me?”….and they were!
CLUE 1. The winner’s state is home to the country’s most visited national park and the second most visited house.
Check back for more clues!
Matt “The Stats Man”