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Wall Street versus Easy Street

Why worry about Wall Street when you could be on Easy Street November 30th? That’s when PCH’S GUARANTEED MEGA PRIZE will be awarded!

Why worry about Wall Street when you could be on Easy Street November 30th?  That’s when PCH’S GUARANTEED MEGA PRIZE will be awarded!

Whether or not you feel like joining the “Occupy Wall Street” movement that has spread from downtown New York across the United States and around the globe, there’s no denying that the protesters would like to see the world’s wealth more evenly distributed and would welcome the comfort of more money in their pockets.  The unhappiness is understandable given the chronically high unemployment figures and the frustrating inability of the global economy to recover from the Great Recession.

Well, you can decide for yourself whether you want to participate in the headline-grabbing demonstrations if they reach your town.  But there is one thing I must heartily recommend, something that could REALLY produce gigantic dividends:  ENTER the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes for a chance to win the Mega Prize!

Any lingering discontent about finances will go out the window for some lucky person on November 30.  That’s the day the PCH Prize Patrol will knock on someone’s door with roses and balloons and announce “You’ve just won the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes!  Here is a Big Check for $1 Million!”  Then I will inform the winner “You can cash that check right away, then sit back and start receiving an additional $5000 a week every week for the rest of your life!”

With a mind-blowing jackpot like that you don’t really have to worry about what happens on Wall Street.  You will be on Easy Street for life!  Just think about it:  There will be plenty of money — to pay off all your bills, to share with the people you love, to buy a new home or a new car (or two), or to travel to places you’ve always wanted to go.

Now that I’ve gotten your attention, here’s what YOU have to do:  Click on this link to and enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes!  And come back to every day – until the November 16 deadline — for another chance to win this gigantic Guaranteed Mega Prize.

What could be simpler?   No need to join a protest; no need to march.   A few clicks might be all that’s needed to take you from the worries of Wall Street to the joys of Easy Street – with $1 Million plus $5000 a week for life!

Good luck!

Dave Sayer

Prize Patrol Ambassador


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