LAST DAY TO ENTER Apple Watch Series 2!!

Tick tock, tick tock… That’s the sound of time running out, because today is the absolute last day to enter to win the very awesome Apple Watch Series 2 (valued at $399.00)! If you want to be in the running, best to head over to the PCHRewards Token Exchange and start trading in those tokens you’ve been storing right away!
Has anyone been to the PCHRewards Token Exchange page lately? There is a lot of really cool stuff on there: Cash Gift Cards, tablets, high-end coffee makers and this sick Apple Watch Series 2. I’m not the most tech savvy person in the world, but I know enough to realize that this watch is the bomb! Now all bombs go off eventually, and this one goes off 11:59 PM, ET tonight! That means there are only hours left to enter to win it!! Make sure you beat the clock!
If you search online, you’ll see that the Apple Watch Series 2 got excellent reviews. People love the ease of use, battery power and more! What a watch! It sure would be nice to win one, or take the $399.00 cash equivalent, don’t you think? Does anyone already have this watch? Do you love it? Have you entered to win it yet?
You know, we get a lot of questions about the PCHRewards Token Exchange, and how winners are notified. So, in case you don’t already know, I’ll give you a quick briefing. We want you to be prepared. If you win a prize in the PCHRewards Token Exchange, you’ll receive an email from contest officials with all the details about what you’ve won and when you can expect to receive your prize. So keep checking your mailbox in case you win something!
Since you’re in the PCHblog family, I’m sure you’re also aware that each month we post Token Exchange winners on the blog. For example, click to check out this past April’s Token Exchange Winners! Is your name on this list? Have you been on a Token Exchange Winners List before? Share your experience with all of us. We all would love to hear.
O.K. You know what to do, how to do it, and when to do it by. Again, today is the last day to enter to win the Apple Watch Series 2. When midnight strikes, the Apple Watch Series 2 will turn into a pumpkin, and for some strange reason, you’ll lose a shoe. Ha-ha! You get the point. Quickly make your way to the PCHRewards Token Exchange and go for that Apple Watch Series 2 today before time runs out!
Good Luck,
Tina P.
Online Creative