Make entering every day YOUR New Year’s resolution!

The old year’s behind us, the New Year’s ahead,
Let’s change negative thoughts into “YES!” ones instead.
Like “I’m gonna go for it,” not “Why even try?”
If last year was a bummer, let’s wave it goodbye!
And try keeping the faith and entering each day
‘Cause our Sweeps is for real and boy does it pay!
Ask PCH Millionaires Jane Bjork and Mike Shields
They won this past year so they know the deal
Mike says, “It can happen! It really can!”
Jane entered each day – an excellent plan
And Ryan Hart’s sure to tell you, “never say never!”
He won 5,000 Dollars a Week for “Forever”!
So let’s make this resolution this first day of the year,
We’ll believe in ourselves, face each day with good cheer.
Pledge to enter each day, to thine own self be true
And have faith that good things will happen to you.
PCH has paid $315 Million in prizes all told
Keep the faith, enter daily – turn your dreams into gold!
Happy New Year!
PCH Creative