March in Winning at PCHSearch&Win!

Hey there friends and fans!
Not only are the Ides of March come and gone, but the rest of it is almost through too! It’s officially spring, and soon enough, we’ll be experiencing lamb-like weather (which is unfortunate for me, I already think it’s too hot, but I might be alone in that camp). But the end of the month means it’s time to report on some of our recent winners at PCHSearch&Win!
Longtime PCH fans definitely know that when you search at PCHSearch&Win, you get in to win our SuperPrize during our next prize event. If you searched today, that would mean you’d get an entry to win $7,000.00 A Week For Life, ready for award during our April 26th special early look event!
However, that’s not all that’s at stake at PCHSearch&Win! Other prizes are awarded very frequently, almost each and every day, so a lot of people got to win their own little pot of gold right in time for St. Patrick’s Day. Here are some of our winners from March, to give you an idea what you could win:
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These prizes are great surprise treats for these winners, and as you can see, there were plenty of different prizes awarded to winners all over the country! Do you know how long it takes to complete a search? Not very long at all! And if you search once a day, after logging on, not only are you getting your SuperPrize entry, but you might very well become the winner of one of these prizes!
Something even more exciting is that these weren’t even ALL of our winners at PCHSearch&Win this month! In fact, these winners only go up to March 21st, so think how many more people could have won between now and then!
Better still? It’s still March! That’s right, between today and the next two days, you still have the chance to get in to win! We still have some great prizes on the docket for award plus, with your first search of the day, you’ll be in to win on April 26th! Be sure to keep entering to win!
CONGRATULATIONS to all of our March winners (SO FAR) and I hope you’ll heed my advice and go visit PCHSearch&Win now!
Will F.
PCH Creative
PS: Check back later today to find out about some of our March winners at PCHPlay&Win!