Meet Holly Bloom, Our Newest SuperPrize Winner
“OMG! OMG! This is insane!” cried Holly Bloom as she faced the PCH Prize Patrol standing in the hallway outside her office in a St. Petersburg, FL bank.
Holly had a point. After all, there was the Prize Patrol – just as seen on TV — with roses, balloons, champagne and a Big Check declaring her the winner of a $1 Million SuperPrize! Plus there were reporters and cameras and bank employees all cheering and trying to get a good view of her “winning moment.”
All these onlookers had seen PCH prize presentations on TV before; but seeing one in person was “unbelievable” – and now they could truly believe that real people really win at Publishers Clearing House.
While Holly entered our sweepstakes frequently (earning her PCH’s designation as a “VIP” entrant), she really didn’t expect to win — although she should have expected it! Her life story indicates that Holly has always been determined to succeed “against the odds.” She grew up in a troubled home environment, helped raise two younger siblings, then — with no encouragement from relatives – single-handedly put herself through college, then began a promising career in banking.
Holly’s routine entries in the PCH Sweepstakes took on a prayerful urgency in August 2015 when both she and her husband Greg lost their jobs within days of their wedding. The resultant loss of savings, the threat of bankruptcy and turning to others for loans and housing was hardly the way they wanted to start their married life. To make ends meet Holly waited tables in a pizzeria and groomed dogs as she sought permanent employment. Finally in the past two months things started to improve – with Holly landing a post back in banking and Greg taking a job outside his field of experience.
October 21 is a day that the Blooms will never forget. Right after the “winning moment” Holly’s co-workers went online to enter the PCH Sweepstakes , hoping they could win the next giant prize: $10,000 A Week for Life or $10 Million all at once! The couple received lots of amazed reactions and congratulations from friends and family.
The prize promises to erase the clouds as Holly and Greg enjoy life anew in the Sunshine State (Florida). They started off with a relaxing weekend at the beach – including massages, unaccustomed luxuries. Next they have bills and debts to pay. But high on the list of priorities is Holly’s wish to share some of the blessing with Junior Achievement, an organization whose heart for helping youth is in the same place as hers.
Could you use some sunshine in your life? Enter the PCH Sweepstakes every chance you get and you could become a Big Winner too!
Dave Sayer
PCH Prize Patrol Ambassador