Meet the Newest $1 Million PCH SuperPrize Winner: George Snyder!

October 25th was the day so many PCH fans had been waiting for. SuperPrize days are some of the most exciting days of the year not only for our fans but also for PCH employees, like myself. We never know what is going to happen when we add someone to the PCH Winner’s List. Will they scream? Will they be speechless? Will they faint?
Well, when the Prize Patrol knocked on George Snyder’s door in Davison Michigan on October 25th we almost had a fainter on our hands! Luckily, he was home and opened the door within a few minutes. With media standing by and the Prize Patrol there with balloons, flowers and, of course, that big check, we literally took George’s breath away! You can see in the winning moment that he is literally leaning on me in hopes of not falling. Unfortunately, George’s wife was out of town babysitting their grandson, but we were able to chat with her on the phone. Just like George she couldn’t believe this was actually happening to them! She said they see it on TV but never expected to see it at their door.
I’m sure many of you reading this have imagined what you would do with the money but may never actually expect to be the big winner. With all the excitement, George couldn’t even get into words what he would use the money for. Eventually he let us know that he wanted to celebrate with his family and treat his new 8-month-old grandbaby with something special.
Even after winning the big SuperPrize George plans on continuing to enter because it’s fun and free! When asked what advice he had for PCH fans who have entered but haven’t won yet, he urges everyone to keep on entering because it’s real!
And here are some words of advice from me and the prize Patrol who hand out the money: never give up! Someone has to win and we are on the road every single week giving away money. One thing is for sure though, there is no way you’ll see me at your door if you don’t enter! Go to and best of luck to everyone!
Danielle Lam
Prize Patrol Elite