How Much Money Would You Save On Gas If You Won A Cash For Gas Giveaway?

It’s not a stretch to say that most drivers cringe every time they have to fill up their gas tanks at the pump. And, if you’re like most people, then that same feeling is also felt when waiting for the checkout clerk to finish ringing up your groceries.
The truth is, gas and groceries are two things families just can’t go without, yet they are two expenses that nobody loves paying for. Even with gas prices being lower today than they have been in years, buying gas and stocking up the fridge costs a lot these days.
But, what if you never had to pay for gas and groceries again? Have you ever thought about how much money you could save (and what you could do with it)?
How much money do average Americans drop at the pump?
According to a recent news report by CNN Money, the average American driver buys about 11 gallons of gas every week. Since gas prices fluctuate wildly and differ greatly depending on where you live, it was determined that the average amount spent over the year by a single driver was $1,400. Now, if your household has two drivers (and most do), then you’re looking at $2,400. Add a student driver, and the costs climb even higher.
Again, these totals are based on today’s average gasoline prices. Back in 2012, when gas was at its most expensive, the average driver shelled out a whopping $2,100 that year.
How are Americans spending their gas savings?
With gas prices so low, what are Americans doing with the extra cash they now have on hand? According to JP Morgan Chase, consumers are spending about 80% of what they save, with most households choosing to use that money to dine out more frequently.
Many households are also using those fuel savings to upgrade their vehicles to newer models. This comes as no surprise as during the 2012 oil crisis, drivers couldn’t get rid of their gas guzzlers quick enough. That year saw an explosion of fuel-efficient autos driving off the lots. Now that gas prices are much, much lower, the market is seeing record numbers of new cars, SUVs, and large-body pickups being sold.
What if you didn’t have to pay for gas and groceries?
It’s one thing to imagine not having to pay for gas, but what if you also didn’t have to pay for groceries either? Now you’re talking substantial savings! With the average American household spending $151 a week on food according to a 2012 Gallup poll, a family’s annual grocery bill runs about $7,852.
So, if you didn’t have to pay for gas and groceries and you have two drivers in your home, you would be able to save an estimated $10,252 a year! What would you do with all of that money? Would you take a vacation? Remodel your home? Buy a new car? Put it away for college? Your options are endless!
If someone gave you the opportunity to not pay for gas or groceries for an entire year, would you take advantage of it?
Let Publishers Clearing House make that dream a reality!
At Publishers Clearing House, we’re holding a Cash For Gas And Groceries Giveaway where a winner could receive $25,000! This sweepstakes is absolutely free to enter and you can enter once a day up until the deadline. Just think of the ways that much money can help improve your household budget!
So visit today, tomorrow, and every day up until the deadline date to enter our Gas Sweepstakes, and with a little luck, you won’t have to pay for gas or groceries for quite some time.
Good Luck!
Dave D.
For PCH Creative