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Fun Facts Quiz: Use PCHSearch&Win to Find the Answers!

Quick! How many Presidents were born in April? Anyone know? Can you name them all? Give up? We’ve had 4 Presidents who were born in April: 3rd President Thomas Jefferson, 5th President James Monroe, 15th President James Buchanan and 18th President Ulysses S. Grant. Now I admit, I love to read about history. Yet without […]

Will YOU Be Our First Winner EVER from PCH Gwy. #8800?

YOU could make history this month. This April, the Prize Patrol will be awarding a SuperPrize from the brand-new Giveaway Number, PCH Giveaway #8800. In just weeks, the Prize Patrol could travel in the Prize Patrol van through YOUR hometown, make their way to YOUR doorstep, and award YOU a $7,OOO.OO A Week For Life […]

Go Behind the Scenes at Publishers Clearing House and Meet Erica M!

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes here at Publishers Clearing House? Well, I’m going to introduce you to someone who plays an important role in making all of our fans part of our PCH family. Erica M. is our Senior Marketing Manager for our Social Media department. Erica has been at Publishers Clearing […]