PCH Blog Reader Spotlight: Rebecca L. Is Hooked On PCH Sweeps!

Greetings, and welcome to another exciting Blog Reader Spotlight! Today we feature a true PCH fan and friend – drumroll, please! – Rebecca L.!
This spirited Southeast Texas lady loves to comment on the blog and provide inspiration and positive thoughts for her fellow PCH fans.
Rebecca’s “PCH journey” began in January of this year, when she was sitting in front of her TV and the PCH “5,000.00 A Week For Life” commercial came on.
“Instinctively, I chuckled aloud and said to my husband, ‘yeah, OK, sure, they are just going to give money away, WHO DOES THAT?’” Rebecca tells me. “As he drifted off to sleep in his recliner I began to think ‘do they actually give money away?, hmmmmm could they? I mean crazier things happen every day, right?’”
So, Rebecca decided to take matters into her own hands … literally! She explains that she crept up from her recliner and went and got her tablet, and there she began to do a little research about Publishers Clearing House.
“I was floored at the history, at past winners’ stories, at upcoming opportunities to be a winner and, even more so, at just how EASY it was to get in on the action!!” says Rebecca. “So I threw caution to the wind, created my account and away I went!”
Before she knew it, Rebecca explains, she had Publishers Clearing House on every device in her home – her phone, her tablet and her PC!
“As I entered my sweepstakes every single day I would play the PCH channel on YouTube,” she relates. “I would play and replay the videos just BECAUSE THEY MADE ME FEEL SO INSPIRED, SO ENCOURAGED, SO DARN HAPPY! From the very first winning moment I watched I WAS HOOKED!”
Rebecca tells me she felt immeasurable joy every time she saw a winner’s reaction to the Prize Patrol showing up unexpectedly at their front door. And while she is positive that the 10,000,000,000 tokens she’s racked up in two short months playing PCH games shows that she is “definitely in it to win it,” Rebecca is truly never that disappointed she hasn’t won a PCH prize yet because, as she says, “SOMEBODY does win and I am simply ecstatic for them.”
Rebecca’s enthusiasm for PCH winners boils over to the blog, as well. She explains, “I found the blog shortly after creating my account and it is so awesome, with just a few clicks of my keyboard keys, to be able to read word-for-word the dreams, the stories, the hopes, the dedication of people just like myself who pray they will someday experience that magical winning moment when the Prize Patrol knocks at the door holding that famous HUGE cardboard check!”
Rebecca explains that she writes on the PCH blog “to spread encouragement, to keep the dream alive, to express my happiness for the winners.”
“As far as entering to win, FOR ME IT’S EVERY DAY, ALL DAY, IN EVERY WAY !” she says. “As long as PCH continues to do what they do, you can rest assured having the privilege of watching winners like Miss Ora Gayton, Tamar Howard , Penny Pompa, etc., is considered a win for me in my book!”
Thank you so much, Rebecca, for being a loyal PCH Blog reader, and a fabulous PCH fan and friend! I’m sure you make our fans feel “SO INSPIRED, SO ENCOURAGED, SO DARN HAPPY” too!
Enjoy the blog!
Debbie K.
PCH Creative
P.S. Are you “hooked” on the PCH Sweeps? Do you share Rebecca’s positive attitude? Then let us know in the comments section below. Feel free to cheer your fellow blog readers on anytime, and maybe next month you could see yourself in the “PCH Blog Reader Spotlight”!