PCH Blog Reader Spotlight: Sarah K. Is Tickled Pink To Be In It To Win It!

Welcome PCH fans and friends to another heartwarming installment of our monthly PCH Blog Reader Spotlight! We love to hear from our blog readers and we love to give them a chance to be congratulated for a job well done. We felt that Sarah K., pictured above, shared a comment that was truly worth repeating and sharing with the rest of you.
Sarah Stays In The Game!
Sarah tells us that she’s been playing tons of PCH games and scratch-offs since 2015. She loves “playing games , PCHlotto and slots, completing the daily scratch-offs and instant win games, and getting extra entries through emails and the Facebook page.”
Sarah’s Secret To Staying Motivated
Sarah sure sounds like she’s very busy – and very determined! Way to go!
But Sarah has good reason to feel motivated. Check out the comment she posted recently that explains it all, and that put her in the PCH Blog Reader Spotlight!
Good for you, Sarah … we’re so glad that check didn’t end up on the garbage heap and get carted away! Sarah says, “Even though it wasn’t a super prize, that small winning was enough to motivate me to keep entering in hopes of winning something even BIGGER!” We’re all with you on that one Sarah!
This Is Why We Love To Hear From You!
It’s so wonderful to see PCH fans offering each other support and advice about our upcoming sweepstakes online. There is a real community of believers out there and it’s comforting to know that you are all reading the blogs and keeping up with the latest and greatest prize entry opportunities. And the best part is seeing the strong sense of group loyalty among you all. You are truly a team that cheers each other on toward the goal of winning big someday!
So my advice to you is to keep reading the blogs, and always check out the comments to find out what other people are saying about their own hopes and dreams and how they stay motivated to keep at it no matter what, and how they enter every chance they get.
And of course, please share your own thoughts, feelings and words of encouragement about the latest prizes, breaking news, and the lucky winners you’ll see posted! Who knows, you may find your own smiling face in the spotlight in our next Blog Reader of the Month post!
Jane M.
PCH Creative