Stay In It To Win It! Now Is Not The Time To Stop!

By now you might have heard that today we awarded our big SuperPrize. That’s right, a lucky winner gets to enjoy a MAJOR prize of $5,000.00 A Week For Life! I know that the dust hasn’t even settled yet on the winning moment, but it’s important that I remind you all that now is certainly not the time to quit or give up on your dreams. If anything, it’s time to set your eyes on the next prize and keep the faith! There are plenty of new and exciting PCH Sweepstakes on the horizon, including a $1,000.00 A Day For Life Prize Event from Gwy. #13000. Keep your eyes open for our brand-new TV commercials coming soon! And don’t forget, there are plenty of smaller prizes awarded each and every day. As if that weren’t enough, I’ll give you 5 good reasons to stay in it to win it!
1. It’s FUN!
There are so many ways to enter, and we make it exciting and fun for you! From playing our FREE online games at PCHgames, to scratching cards at PCHlotto, from catching the latest news and weather on PCHfrontpage to searching on PCHSearch&Win … why not make it part of your daily routine to get in as many entries as you can. Our fun and challenging games give you chances at Instant Win prizes, and ways to earn tokens that you can redeem at the PCH Rewards Token Exchange for even more chances to win! Our number one goal is to keep you entertained and engaged and to make the PCH Sweepstakes truly rewarding for all of you!
2. It’s FREE!
You must know by now that you never have to pay a dime to enter to win the PCH Sweepstakes. We will never, ever ask you to pay a fee to enter or to claim your prize. So if you have a chance to win big, why on earth wouldn’t you want to take it? You’ve got nothing to lose! And it only takes a few moments of your time. It’s absolutely FREE to stay in it to win it!
3. It Could Change Your Life Overnight!
You could start living the good life for real if you won. Just think about it. You could be driving a luxury car … take that long-dreamed of vacation to Hawaii … remodel your home or buy a new one and fill it with the things you love and can now finally afford. Heck, you could retire early for a real life changer!You Could Finally Pay Off That Debt!
4. You Could Finally Pay Off That Debt!
I think most of us can relate to the heavy weight of debt hanging over our heads and trying to juggle funds to pay it off every month. Imagine that stack of bills no longer taking up space on your desk. You could tackle your bills with ease if you won big. Which bills would you pay off first? Car loan? Paid! Tuition? Paid! Medical bills? Paid! Utility bills? ALL PAID!
5. Every Entry Has An Equal Chance Of Winning!
Every time you enter the PCH Sweepstakes you have an equal chance of winning. Even if you haven’t won before, you never know when your lucky day will come. Doesn’t it just make sense to keep at it and stay in it to win it? Take it from some of our past winners who did just that no matter what … until the day that the Prize Patrol showed up at their door with a BIG check! It’s a totally even playing field for all who enter the PCH Sweepstakes, so stay focused and stay determined! Winners come from every state, and from all walks of life.
Let’s face it … with nothing to lose and a possible fortune to gain, there truly is no good reason not to stay in it to win it. Entering only takes seconds, is totally free, and is super fun! Wishing you all the best of luck. Keep your eyes on the prize and never stop believing!
Jane M.
PCH Creative