The PCH Blog Writing Staff Says Goodbye!

Hello friends and fans!
Here we are, the last blog from the PCH Blog writing staff. We’ve enjoyed sharing all of the lastest PCH news, contest updates, winner reports, behind-the-scenes info and more with you over the years. As we said on the announcement last week, this change will allow us to give you even MORE great content on other social media channels!
And yes, we’re all still here working at PCH! So for today’s last blog post, I asked each of our regular writers to share some thoughts on the blog and where you can go to find more great content!
Hi everyone! I’ve truly loved writing for the PCH blog for almost a year now. Interacting with all of you loyal blog readers by asking questions and reading your comments and answers has really been a blast! While this chapter at the PCH blog is coming to a close, there are still SO MANY exciting things going on every day at PCH. For instance, the PCHrewards Token Exchange is the perfect place to visit for shots to win all sorts of prizes. I’ve had the chance to write about many of the car giveaways that we’ve had at the PCHrewards Token Exchange and I know it’s a fan favorite! You can visit the Token Exchange to win different prizes from those awesome car giveaways to gift cards, cash, cool gadgets and more! All you need to do to enter is use your tokens in exchange for entries and bam, you’re in to win a great prize. The great thing about the PCHrewards Token Exchange is that it does NOT affect your all-time token count, so your positions on the Token Leaderboard are all safe! I will definitely be watching out for all future Token Exchange winners, so have fun, and as always, good luck!

Hey Fans – Lucky’s ink is running, so he can’t hop on the blog today, but he and I both wanted to tell you that writing to you has truly been such an incredible joy! I just loved coming up with fun new ways that we could surprise you blog readers and keep you posted on all things PCH – and your comments and shout outs were always so wonderful! Now, even though Lucky won’t be able to write you Blog messages anytime soon, he wanted me to remind you of something very important — that he’s always looking forward to big hugs from our winners! So please, keep on entering if you want to see him at your door – and don’t forget to give him shout outs on the PCH page on Facebook where you can see him in action during our big winning moments! Bye for now and good luck!
– Laurel U. PCH Creative & Lucky Windfall, The PCH Big Check

Hi PCH fans! I’ve had a great time writing blogs, and I always loved reading your comments. One of the best parts about the PCH blog has been showing off so many wonderful winners! From the millionaires to the gift card winners, it’s been great. We’ve featured thousands of winners and you’ve congratulated every single one. Some of you have even won prizes too!
But don’t worry, we’re still going to celebrate every single winner! Just head over to! Plus, we’re always showing off winners on our social media pages!
So keep watching and keep entering! We hope to see you soon!

It has been my pleasure over the years to reach out to you with the inspiration and the motivation you need to stay in it to win it! Even through dark times, even when you lost the hope of ever winning, I was here to give you the strength and courage to stick with it. I hope you all remember that most of our surprised winners never thought they would win, either. But they kept at it and kept entering for a chance to change their lives for the better, and their persistence finally paid off! As always, I wish you all the best of luck. And you can always find inspiration by searching for it at PCHSearch&Win. My parting words to all of you are that you’ve got to KEEP THE FAITH!

Hello dear PCH blog readers and fans! While I’ll miss writing posts and seeing all of your wonderful comments, I want to you remember this: the winning never stops at Publishers Clearing House! There are so many great ways for you to keep enjoying winning experiences. In fact, here are two places you should go every day – because they’re always fun, free, and full of LIFECHANGING opportunities! Go to PCHgames and you’ll get in to WIN MILLIONAIRE-MAKING PRIZES and score 10,000 Tokens immediately after your first game played! Plus, you’ll get Unlimited Shots at $1,000.00 Instant Win Cash, Daily Cash Prizes on Featured Games, and much more! Then, after that, head on over to PCHlotto and take a shot at the PowerPrize – our Biggest Prize of all! Plus, pick your Power # and you could win one of over 100 Daily Cash Prizes! Don’t forget, you can also get in to WIN the $2,500,000.00 MegaPrize and the $1,000,000.00 Life Is Rich prize too. So don’t wait – get in to win every day, because you know how it goes…you’ve got to be in it to win it! As always, good luck!
Debbie K:

Farewell, friends and fans! Not only has it been so much fun writing PCH blog posts for over 7 years, it has been an honor and a privilege engaging with so many PCH winners for our #WinnerWednesday blogs. I’ve loved hearing about your winning moments, and so have our blog readers. And speaking of winning moments, you can always laugh, cry, scream and dance along with our PCH Winners playlist on our YouTube channel. It’s the place to get your fix of win-spiration, 24/7/365! Everyone, please stay in it to win it … never give up … keep up that positivity, patience and perseverance … and please stay healthy and safe. Thanks for being here for us; PCH will always be here for you!

Hi everyone. I’ve been really lucky to be part of the PCH blog team for about 5 years, and I can honestly say that it’s been great to interact with all of you. I’ve shared a lot of PCH stuff but I also shared personal stuff about my own life, and you did too, for which I’m so appreciative. And while I’ve written about many different topics, my favorite was giving you guys your monthly rundown of PCH sweepstakes. So, even though I won’t be reminding of all the upcoming sweeps going forward, I want to make sure you know that they’re all still there – every single day. There are always tons of great sweeps to enter and infinite opportunities to win big money. All you need to do is go to our PCH Sweepstakes Page and enter till your heart’s content. It’s so important, because you never know, you just could become a big winner. And one thing is certain… you must be in it to win it! Take care PCHers! I wish all of you health, happiness and good luck!

Lastly, I just wanted to say thanks to some people who have made the PCH Blog possible all these years. First to Deborah Holland, for starting the blog way back when and always offering direction and inspiration. To Amanda, who guided us so well as our editor-in-chief for many years. To our legal team for making sure we stayed on the straight and narrow! For our tech team for keeping the blog running smoothly. To our customer service team for keeping up with the comments. And the Prize Patrol for their support!
And lastly YOU, the readers. You’re the winners, the commenters, the dreamers and superfans who made this such a joy to work on over the years. Thanks for making this part of our job a pleasure, and we’ll see you throughout PCH Nation!
-Matt for Publishers Clearing House