Want To Meet The PCH Big Check? Let Him Know Below…

Hey Blog Readers,
It’s me, Lucky, the PCH Big Check. And my zeros are shaking as I sit here thinking about how there’s only ONE WEEK LEFT TO ENTER our Win It All Prize Event!
Now, a week may sound like a lot, but it’s only about…
… 168 Hours… or…
… 10,080 Minutes… or…
… 604,800 604,799 604,798 Seconds… Oooh, the time is slipping away too fast!
You see, every single second that ticks away means less opportunities for you to enter to Win $2,000,000.00 Plus $10,000.00 A Month For Life Plus a brand new Lincoln MKZ. And as the clock continues to count down there’s even less time for me to get ready to meet our newest PCH winner!
Now you may already be CHECKing me out and thinking I look like a real prize of a guy, but the truth is, I’ve been busy at work getting my seal shined, my border curled and my ink touched up just right to get ready for the big day. And even though I go through all these steps, I still can’t help wondering if our special early look event winner will greet me with hugs and smiles.
Would YOU welcome me into your home on Prize Day with open arms?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to meeting our winner more than anyone, but with Mama Windfall reminding me that, as a Big Check, once you leave the vault, anything can happen … I can’t help but be nervous. What if the winner doesn’t like me? Even just recently a good checkmate of mine from school, Chad Chessboardoli, had a hard time with his new family. He called me one day to tell me how he was invited to a new home and everyone was happy to have him there – they were even sitting around playing with him! Then, two hours later, he called back crying that the dog was BITING HIS KING SPACES! Can you imagine?!?
I know I’ll love our winner no matter what, but I don’t want anyone biting my “king spaces”… would YOU have a good place to keep ME if you won?
For me, the best winners are the ones that hug me, dance with me and scream as loud as they can about how happy they are to see me. I’d love to meet a winner who REALLY wants a big check … someone who would appreciate all my curvy zeros and strong corners … not toss me aside like a pizza box.
Would you be the type of winner that hugs and screams when I come to the door?
If you would, please don’t waste another second! There’s only one week left to enter for your shot at $2,000,000.00 Plus More on June 30th and the more you enter, the better! Just scroll up and click the image on the right to get started … then go to PCH.com for even more ways to Win!
Let me know below if you want to Win – then keep on entering and I could be at your door in no time!
Good Luck,
Lucky Windfall
The PCH Big Check