What Do You Do To Give Back?

As many of you know, here at PCH we love to give back to those less fortunate. It’s a BIG part of our company’s initiative. We thoroughly enjoy and feel honored to help those in need in any way we can! Whether it’s donating money or donating time, we always make sure we’re doing what we can to give back. We’ve donated to countless charities over the years, but the charity nearest and dearest to our hearts is St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital!
This year, during the PCH Giveback, we’re donating a whopping $100,000 to St. Jude. And we want all of you fans to tune in TODAY to view our fabulous new LIVE TV show “Inside PCH” on our Facebook page. Why? So you can help make a difference, too! We’ll be donating an extra $1 (up to $50,000) for every view we get. Be sure to tune in to the PCH Facebook page at 2:00 PM EST today for this especially important episode!
I wanted to ask some fellow PCH employees what THEY do to give back! Keep reading for some awesome answers:
Nicole M. says, “I’ve been looking to volunteer more at Senior Centers near my home! I also love to donate to nonprofit organizations. It makes me feel so happy to think that I could bring a smile to someone’s face.”
Victoria P. told me, “With two loveable rescue dogs as part of our family, my husband and I always donate money through the pet stores to help animals in need. We also love to participate in the program at our local pet store that does ‘buy a bag, give a bag’ which donates a bag of pet food to shelters and/or rescues for every bag you purchase. “
Debbie K. explains, “One of my most rewarding Give Back experiences was volunteering with PCH last year at the Interfaith Nutrition Network (INN). PCH had donated two truckload of items to the INN, allowing their “guests” to enjoy a free flea market.”
MaryBeth H. says, “I’ve always appreciated how PCH helps ME to help give back, whether it’s contributing to their blood, food or clothing drives … or volunteering with other PCHers at an animal shelter’s “adopt-a-thon” or wrapping gifts for a “toys for tots” holiday effort. Really, the spirit of “giving back” is kind of in Publishers Clearing House’s DNA!”
And last but not least, Debbie H. tells us, “Every day I try to make the world a better place. Whether it’s a small gesture like thanking or complimenting someone unexpectedly, or something tangible like donating volunteer time or money to charities, it gives purpose to my life. I’m proud to work for a company like PCH that generously supports charitable interests and I’m so pleased that our fans and customers care about helping others, too!”
So now ladies and gentlemen, it’s YOUR turn! I’d love to know what YOU do to give back! Every moment being there for those less fortunate counts, big or small – so please share your favorite way to give back and tell us how it makes YOU feel!
Dillon S.
Promotion Development