What to Search for This Month at PCHSearch&Win!

Hey there friends and friends!
As you probably already know, this month PCH will be awarding the $5,OOO.OO A Week “Forever” Prize — that’s $5,OOO.OO a week for the life of a winner, followed by those same payments continuing on to someone of the winner’s choosing! And YOU can get in to win right now by going to PCHSearch&Win. Just log on and with your first search of the day (and that’s today and every day until the last day to enter!), you’ll get in to win!
That raises the question — what should you search for? While you can search for ANYTHING at PCHSearch&Win to claim your daily entry to win, wouldn’t it be best to look for something relevant to your life?
Since it’s February, and Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, a great search would be “Valentine’s Day Date Ideas!” You can even specify in your local area (e.g., “Valentine’s Day Date Ideas in New York City”). You can even search for more specific ideas — “Valentine’s Day Concerts,” “reservations for restaurants near me,” or “best flowers to get on Valentine’s Day.”
If you’re like me, you can also search for “best place to pick up Belgian chocolate” and “where to stream Beaches” for when you’re sprawled out on your couch by yourself on February 14th.
But Valentine’s Day is not the only thing to be thinking about! While it’s too late to remind yourself when Groundhog Day is (it was this past Sunday, and the movie featured Andie MacDowell, not Julia Louis-Dreyfus, something I always forget), there are other upcoming holidays! For the young and young at heart, it’s time to start planning your Spring Break (WOO!), and there’s no better place to search for ideas than PCHSearch&Win! You could even phrase your search as a question: “What should I do for Spring Break?”
It’s also award season for the film industry, so you can look up the best movies to see! (I go to the movie theatres twice a year, so you definitely should consult PCHSearch&Win instead of me.) And of course, how could I forget, February is home to President’s Day, so you can always look up more information about your favorite United States Presidents (mine are Martin Sheen, Cherry Jones, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus).
At the end of the day, anything you search for at PCHSearch&Win will get you in to win $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” — but these ideas might just add a whole extra level of meaning to your searching!
Happy searching!
Will F.
PCH Creative
PS: You can do the same at PCHFrontpage and receive another entry to win the “Forever” Prize!