Win the PCH SuperPrize to Escape the Cold Weather!

It’s pretty chilly here at PCH HQ. Is it freezing by you? Wouldn’t it be nice to escape the cold weather?
You could do just that if you won $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” guaranteed to be awarded on February 28th. It’s true. This incredible PCH SuperPrize could keep you warm for many winters to come! That’s because the winner would get $5,000.00 a week, every week, for the rest of their life. After that, payments of $5,000.00 every week would continue for the lifetime of a beneficiary that the winner chooses. That’s a HUGE prize that pays out over TWO lifetimes!
Imagine if you could spend every day somewhere nice and warm. But where should you travel to in order to escape the cold weather? We have some ideas.
With this new financial freedom you could spend your winters snorkeling off the beaches in Phuket, Thailand. It’s the warmest place in the world during February!
Do you have a fantasy of sipping a tropical beverage on a sunny beach? It could happen in Cancun, Mexico! As the lucky winner of the PCH SuperPrize, you could make spring break last all winter long!
Maybe you want to make some new friends in a warmer climate. How about swimming with dolphins off the coast of Hawaii?
Back in the lower 48 states, there’s the option of visiting the theme parks of Orlando, Florida. With $5,000.00 A Week “Forever,” you could live out all of the cold months in a beautiful sunny clime, being entertained by the incredible theme parks. It certainly beats spending days shoveling snow!
In the southern hemisphere, Australia has its hottest months in December, January, and February. So, you could escape down under and add another summer to your year!
All over the world, there are so many places that stay warm all year long. Where would you go to escape the cold weather? Where would you like to travel? Win the $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” PCH SuperPrize and you could visit them all!
Be sure to make our PCH properties your destination between now and the last day to enter on February 25th. Claim your fast and FREE entries at, PCHgames, PCHlotto, PCHSearch&Win, the PCH Fan Page on Facebook and PCHfrontpage!
Rebecca M.
PCH Online Creative