#WinnerWednesday: A Poem about PCH Winners!

Greetings, fans and friends!
Yes, indeed, it’s another #WinnerWednesday, so let’s celebrate some of our happy PCH winners with a poem!
A Little Rhyme about PCH Winners
Happy Winner Wednesday to the winners of PCH prizes
They come from each and every state, in lots of shapes and sizes!
Some win by playing Token Games, or on PCHFrontpage,
While others think that our cool apps are totally the rage!
But no matter how they come to win, each winner will agree:
That PCH is real – as real as can be!
Here’s Wil R. of Florida, who won a thousand dollars
I’ll bet her winning moment was filled with screams and hollers!
Cynthia M. of Texas won a thousand smackers, too!
With a smile as big as the Lone Star State, I’ll bet she isn’t blue!
Zvonda H. of Georgia entered a PCH Giveaway
And she won herself a thousand bucks – you think that made her day?
So many, many prizes has PCH awarded!
So many, many winners’ names has PCH recorded!
Would YOU be glad to add your name to the PCH winners’ list?
Then, stop what you are doing, and listen … I insist!
Please enter every way you can and do it every day!
It’s fast, it’s fun, it’s easy … and our games are free to play!
There is no secret formula … you just have to stay in it,
Be persistent and be positive, and you, my friend, could win it!
Do YOU want to win a PCH prize, too?
If you want to win like Wil, Cynthia and Zvonda – and the other winners we regularly feature on the PCH Fan Page on Facebook – don’t give up! Keep on entering to win … and then one day you, too, might be celebrated in rhyme in a #WinnerWednesday blog!
Best of luck!
Debbie K.
PCH Creative
P.S. Here’s an easy way to go for a win … play free lotto at PCHlotto! Come back to the blog this afternoon for a whole “lotto” great information!