#WinnerWednesday: PCH Fans Are In It to Win It!

Greetings, fans and friends!
Judging by your comments here on the PCHblog, I’m pretty certain you want to win a PCH prize. And all you need to do is keep the faith! Because someday you might be lucky enough to say, “I’m a PCH winner!”
And because today is #WinnerWednesday – the day when we celebrate, both on the PCHblog and on the PCH Fan Page on Facebook (link), PCH winners of smaller prizes, let’s meet some of those winners who were “in it to win it” … and “won it”!
Brett H. lives in Humble TX – and he’s quite humble about his $5,000 PCH prize:
“I was quite stunned, actually! I was playing PCH Slots, trying in vain to reach the Top 10 scoring list when I won the cash bonus. I got that ‘butterfly’ feeling in my stomach and it still hasn’t sunk in yet. Thanks, PCH.”
Brett trusts PCH and knows that Publishers Clearing House is the real deal. “PCH has been around forever,” he says. “That should tell people they honor their winning payouts. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be in business today. PCH winners are very much real. I am proof of that. Just keep plugging away and you might make the winners’ list one day if luck is with you!”
Brett states that he might use his prize money to update his old computer, or maybe towards his granddaughter’s tuition.
What does he love about PCH? The variety of games! “I’m sure everyone has their favorites, and I like amassing tokens to redeem for prize drawings. There’s enough to keep me entertained each day,” he says.
Janis D. of Houston, TX, a PCH winner of $100, tells us she plays PCH’s games all day, every day – not for the prizes but for the fun of it. “The points and prizes are just a bonus,” she adds.
“I won $10 three times last year but never have won so much – ever! I have been playing for about 10 years because I love the games,” she states.
Carlos M. of Steger, IL won a PCH prize of $100. His reaction: “I feel happy. I don’t win a lot, and when I saw I won it was a great feeling. Thank you for this.”
Carlos was definitely in it to win it. “If you don’t try, you’ll never know,” he says. “It’s real! I tried and won and I feel great about it!”
“Anyone can win,” Carlos adds, “if they take the time and try.”
Last but not least, Edward F. (not pictured) of Live Oak, FL said of his $50 PCH prize: “It felt cool and happy to play. I’m still hoping to win the $15 Million SuperPrize – then I can send my only daughter to college and be able to get a new car for her and my wife, instead of the 10-year-old one we got now.”
Edward likes PCH’s fun and FREE games because, as he tells us, they’re relaxing and they help him cool down after driving all day.
Brett, Janis, Carlos and Edward were in it to win it – and to their great surprise, can now call themselves PCH winners!
Are YOU in it to win it? Do you keep your dreams to win alive? Do you visualize yourself holding a winning check from PCH in your hand … or even our famous “Big Check”?
Then make sure you enter! Enter every day and in every way you can! Why not start immediately, by clicking on the “Enter Now” at the upper right hand corner of this blog page! Then maybe YOU could be starring in a future #WinnerWednesday blog, too!
Good luck!
Debbie K.
PCH Creative
P.S. If you’ve won a PCH prize – no matter what the amount – comment below by writing “I am a PCH winner!” Or tweet us by using the hashtag #WinnerWednesday. And, congratulations to all our current – and future – winners who are in it to win it!