Winning Is One Of The Best Feelings!

Winning is one of the best feelings in the world! We’re prepared to award $1,000.00 A Day For Life in just days, so stay in it to win it and the Prize Patrol could arrive at your door step with a “Big Check” to brighten your day and change your life by making YOU a PCH prizewinner!
I still remember moments of my life that were a “win”. When I was a kid, I went to a theme park with my family, and I was playing one of those games where you toss a little plastic ball into a bottle from afar. It was my last shot of the game to aim for the bottle, to toss the ball in for a win. I remember my Dad, with his everlasting enthusiasm and happiness to help me out, saying “Nicole, do you want me to help you with this game?” And me, being my determined and independent self I still am to this day, said “No thank you, I want to do this myself!” That’s when I lifted up my tiny little hand, tossed the ball forward, and won the game by dropping the ball into the bottle! Everyone cheered! My Dad was so proud of me. I remember being awarded an adorable little purple teddy bear, that I still have to this day. I knew I had won the game, and I knew my determination helped me win the prize.
So, what does my cute childhood memory have to do with Publishers Clearing House? Well, when I still think about that win, I still get butterflies in my stomach; joy, celebration, pride. Sure, winning the PCH Sweepstakes has much more value than a little purple teddy bear, but the point is that winning is one of the best feelings one could feel… no matter how big or how small the win is!
And we at PCH know you’d love to become a PCH prizewinner, so you probably already imagine the amazing feeling that’d blossom if you are awarded a $1,000.00 A Day For Life on August 31st. It’d be the joy of knowing that staying in it to win it at PCH, not giving up, and your determination to win led to an incredible PCH winning moment for you and your family! And that’s what the PCH Sweepstakes is all about!
Tell us… have you ever won anything before? Maybe you’ve won a sports game at some point in your life… maybe you’ve entered a competition and took home the grand prize… maybe you’ve even won a card game between your family members or friends! My point is, you know how amazing the feeling of winning is; it’s one of the BEST feelings in the world!
And that’s why we at PCH are SO happy that you’re in it to win it: we’re always so happy to help our PCH prizewinners feel that way! The fact that our job helps change people’s lives for the better and brings a smile to so many faces is such an honor. That’s why we do what we do… for PCH fans like you!
So, stay in it to win it with PCH Sweepstakes, because winning a SuperPrize would just be one of the best feelings ever, and we’re ready to award $1,000.00 A Day For Life in just days! Best of luck, and don’t give up! You never know what teddy bear… oops, I mean, MONEY you’ll win.
Nicole M.
PCH Creative