Your PCH Schedule – New Sweepstakes For April

It’s April, everyone. Here in NY where PCH Headquarters is located, April is a rainy month. But it’s not a gloomy one, because we have some cool sweeps to look forward to! So, let’s dive into Your PCH Schedule – New Sweepstakes For April – and see if we can make April your favorite month!
Week 1: Majestic Mountain!
Do you remember our See the USA – Majestic Mountain Giveaway Sweepstakes that started on March 8th last month? Well, it’s time to award the $10,000.00 Prize on Friday, April 5th. The PCH Prize Patrol will be making anther majestic winning moment as they’ll be delivering this one in person! Imagine how exciting it will be for someone to open their door to all that hoopla! This is definitely a date to mark down!
Week 2: PCH Pay Day Event Begins
In week two, we’re gearing up for another exciting PCH Pay Day. These Pay Day events are so successful – and with so many winners, how could it be anything else? Winners are guaranteed on 4/26 and $20,000.00 in Exclusive Event Prizes Are At Stake! I think by now you know the drill – enter as much as you can before the award date. You’ll be reminded by emails and push notifications, but it’s still a good idea to jot the dates down.
Week 3: Taking A Little Break
Week three is a good week to exhale and relax. While there aren’t any special events going on in this week, you can always enter to win other sweeps like our PCHlotto PowerPrize, PCHgames Top Scorer and even PCHKeno,where there is a live drawing every 20 minutes. And as you already know, the winning NEVER stops here – there is something to enter to win every single day, so go wild. And get ready for week four…
Week 4: WINNING!
Ok, buckle your seatbelts, because week four has tons of excitement. First of all, I want to mention that Tuesday the 23rd is the last day to enter our PCH Pay Day Event. Make sure your entries are in! Also make sure you’ve entered to win our $7,000.00 A Week For Life Prize Event because the 23rd is also the last day to enter for that, too! Then – only three days later come the events everyone has been waiting for! You’ll be saying TGIF because the 26th is PCH Pay Day! $20,000.00 in Exclusive Event Prizes is at stake and Winners Are Guaranteed! PLUS, it’s also our $7,000.00 A Week For Life Prize Event Award Date! Are you in to win? $7,000.00 A Week For Life is a lot of money. PCH Pay Day is a crazy fun day – especially if you win, so make sure you’re in it!
Week 5: Reflection
Week five is a good week to reflect upon all the winning from week four and to regenerate your enthusiasm, because every day is a new chance to WIN BIG CASH! So, if you’re not too tired, why not head over to our sweepstakes page on and go for a life-changing prize? Even if you won in PCH Pay Day, you can still win more! Did you guys win on PCH Pay Day? Make sure you share it with all of us!
Well, that’s it. There’s a lot going on, so make sure you bookmark Your PCH Schedule – New Sweepstakes For April. We don’t want you to miss out on a single sweeps! Happy April, everyone, and I’ll see you in May!
Tina P.
Online Creative