$1 Million A Year For Life May Cause A Leap For Joy on February 28th!

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

It May Not Be Leap Year But You Could Leap For Joy on February 28th!

2011 is not a Leap Year; indeed, February 29th will not show up on our calendars until 2012. But for the person who wins the newest Publishers Clearing House SuperPrize this February 28th there will certainly be cause for leaping — I mean jumping up and down and rejoicing, and maybe shedding some tears as well. Here at PCH headquarters in Port Washington, NY, the suspense is growing. Will the $1 Million A Year For Life SuperPrize be claimed by the timely return of a matching winning number? Or will we hold a second chance drawing among eligible entries to randomly select the winner of a $1 Million SuperPrize? Whatever the prize amount, on February 28th some smart person who recognized that “Someone has to win!” and entered our fabulous sweepstakes will experience the life-changing thrill of a PCH “winning moment” — and leap for joy!

Of course, the Prize Patrol will be present at the lucky winner’s door — with roses, balloons, cameras, champagne, the Big Check (as seen on TV) and the astounding news that “_________ is our newest Publishers Clearing House Millionaire!”

Having presided over hundreds of “winning moments” I can almost guarantee that the winner will say something like ‘OMG: This is unbelievable!” But why is it “unbelievable”? Haven’t you all seen countless PCH TV commercials featuring winners who are obviously unprepared for the surprise Prize Patrol visit? Believe me, these are not staged or rehearsed presentations. If the winners knew they were about to be videotaped for an appearance on national TV, wouldn’t you expect them to fix themselves up a bit? But no; that’s why you see flabbergasted winners in bathrobes, towels, undershirts, shirtless, shoeless, and breathless! Winner announcement day is almost here.

You don’t have to wait much longer. Tune in the NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams on February 28th , then log-on to pchtv.com to see the actual “winning moment.” If you’ve accepted one of our many invitations to enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes at pch.com, the door we knock on could be yours! Wishing you the best of luck on February 28th — and in our many “play and win” opportunities at pch.com!

Dave Sayer

Prize Patrol Ambassador