$10,000 Sweepstakes Prize Goes To Virginia of Virginia

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

“I always thought this was set up!” exclaimed a shocked Virginia Hall as she emerged from her Madison, VA home last Wednesday. Like many people, maybe even you, Virginia believed that the PCH Prize Patrol notifies winners before showing up at their homes. But on September 18th she learned that is NOT the case.

Virginia was the lucky winner of a $10,000 Sweepstakes Prize from Publishers Clearing House – a special prize marking the 25th anniversary of the Prize Patrol’s first trip. Dave and I made the trip to VA, flying into Washington, DC and drove 2 hours southwest to the small town of Madison. The local florist, only a minute down the road from Virginia’s home, knew our winner personally. “Virginia is a pistol,” she said. “You’ll love her!”

Virginia Hall

We sure did! It didn’t take long for Virginia to answer her door, and she immediately recognized the surprise guests standing on her porch. Our visit put her in a state of shock and awe – she kept claiming that she felt as if she was dreaming. And no, we did not set the scene up – it was a complete surprise to Virginia, as it always is to our winners!

The former teacher’s assistant was THRILLED by her win. She couldn’t wait to share the news with her loved ones – she called just about everyone she could think of while the Prize Patrol and cameraman were still there. Dave Sayer himself got on the phone with her son and daughter, as they could not believe the fantastic news!

Virginia Sweepstakes Winner

And what is Virginia going to do with the Sweepstakes prize money? Her first thought was that now she can pay her oil bill for the winter. “This old house could sure use that money!” Well, the Prize Patrol is always happy to help!

Virginia Hall Sweepstakes Prize

Thank YOU to all of the fans and customers who have been following the Prize Patrol for these past 25 years. Here’s to another 25 years of making dreams come true!

Laura W.
Promotion Development


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