Kay’s Winning Moment Relived On PCHtv.com

Last Updated: December 20, 2010

In January it will be a year since I visited Kay Fleitz of Albuquerque, NM and presented her with a Big Check for $10,000.00.   Her winning moment was one of my favorites – for several reasons: First, she recognized me right away (always good for one’s ego). Second, her reaction was so immediate that it was clear that she had been dreaming about an experience like this for years.  And third, as she smelled the roses the tears flowed in a way that would convince even the most cynical TV viewer that this was a real person who was truly surprised and totally unprepared for the Prize Patrol to knock on her door.

Kay told me then – and has told me repeatedly in our ongoing email correspondence – that she is “an ole softie” who cries when she sees the emotional scenes in our Publishers Clearing House TV commercials.  She just wrote to tell me that tears flowed once again when she watched our latest Million Dollar SuperPrize winner Julie Laughlin’s winning moment.  And no wonder: Julie announced to her Michigan neighbors, bystanders, reporters and the PCH Prize Patrol that she was on the verge of losing her house. 

You can watch the winning moments of Julie and many other lucky folks whom we have surprised with roses, balloons and Big Checks at pchtv.com.  And I’m quite sure that Kay’s winning moment will again be featured in our upcoming TV ad campaign that goes on the air in late December.

Keep your eyes open for this TV campaign.  It will be one of our most exciting ever!  It will urge TV viewers across America to go to pch.com and enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes at once to win probably the grandest grand prize in our long history.

But YOU don’t have to wait until late December to enter; you can get a head start today — and everyday — right now at pch.com

So don’t delay!  Enter at once – and YOUR winning moment could be next!

Dave Sayer

Executive Director

PCH Prize Patrol