Do You Know The Signs Of A PCH Imposter Scam?

Last Updated: July 2, 2014

PCH Phone Scams

Hello PCH fans!

When someone mentions the name Publishers Clearing House (PCH), what comes to mind? Could it be the chance to WIN BIG with our fantastic sweepstakes? Maybe it is the possibility to win instantly with PCHSearch&Win, or hit a jackpot with PCHlotto? No matter what it is, PCH loves nothing more than to making dreams come true for folks all across the country!

Unfortunately, there are a TON of scammers out there fraudulently posing as PCH, just eager to tell innocent folks like you and me that they have won a prize. But beware because these scammers are not from the REAL Publishers Clearing House. They are just trying to rob you of your hard-earned money.

Today, I want to warn everyone that these PCH imposter scams can happen to ANYONE. And I mean ANYONE! In fact, just a few weeks ago, my OWN father was scammed via telephone by someone claiming they were from PCH. Talk about messing with the wrong person, right?

It all started a few weeks ago when I got a phone call from my mom. She said: “Your father got a phone call from someone at PCH telling him that we have won their Super Prize. Clearly this isn’t true, right?

 I quickly explained to her that it was DEFINITELY a PCH imposter scam! For starters, PCH employees and their families are not eligible to win any of our sweepstakes prizes. Also, the Prize Patrol NEVER notifies major prize winners by phone. If you’ve won a big SuperPrize, you’ll know when the Prize Patrol shows up at your door with a Big Check.

I must say I was pretty shocked to hear that my own family member had been hit with a PCH scam. Curiously I asked my mom what they had said to my father on the phone. “Well she said, “The guy on the other end told him that he had won the SuperPrize and he told the man that there was no way he could have won because he didn’t enter and that his daughter works for PCH. The guy told him that he really had won and would call him back tomorrow with the name and address of where to send the money to collect the prize. I knew right then it couldn’t be real

I must say I was relieved! Thankfully, my family was smart enough to know that this “imposter” on the other end of the phone was not in any way associated with the real Publishers Clearing House.

I want to make sure all you PCH fans know how to spot a PCH imposter scam. Remember that PCH will NEVER ask you to do ANY of the following if you are indeed a winner:

• The Prize Patrol NEVER notifies major prize winners by phone.

• The Prize Patrol NEVER notifies major prize winners by Facebook. And they don’t send friend requests either!

And here are two additional tips that may help you identify scam communications:

•  PCH does NOT use the phrase “US dollars

• No one from PCH will contact you via a Gmail or Yahoo account

Even though these are some of the BIGGEST telltale signs that you have been scammed, there are always new techniques out there that scammers will use to get your money. So any time you have even the slightest feeling that you are being scammed, look for these red flag warning signs!

Comment below and let us know if you found these warning signs helpful! Also let us know if you’ve been a victim of a PCH scam. We’d really like to hear about it in order to keep all our fans safe!

Victoria C.

PCH Creative

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