How Are You Giving Back This Holiday Season?

Great news: PCH celebrated “Giving Tuesday” on November 28th! “Giving Tuesday” is a globally recognized day that begins the charitable season of giving back to others. This year, PCH teamed up with Rock & Wrap It Up and will be donating over 1,500 units of toys for local families in need! There are many families who will be receiving amazingly wrapped toys this holiday season, thanks to PCH and Rock & Wrap It Up!
This past “Giving Tuesday”, PCHers volunteered to wrap presents… and what a truly joyous occasion it was. On this day, PCHers gathered around all together to multiple tables right in the PCH café; there, they found dozens and dozens of toys ready to be wrapped! The PCHers gathered the festive wrapping paper all up, and then individually wrapped each and every amazing gift; knowing with those gifts, they’d be able to bring a smile to a happy kid’s face around the holiday season. After all, giving is the greatest gift of all.
As you’re reading all this wonderful news of joy and cheer, you may be asking yourself how you could give back this holiday season. And we’re wondering how you’re giving back, too. So, let’s think of a few ways, together! Any idea that isn’t mentioned here right in this blog post, you could go ahead and tell us in the comments section below; that way, we know how you’re giving back, making a difference, and spreading holiday cheer!
This holiday season, you could give a nice meal to someone in need of food. Soup kitchens and canned food drives are great ways to help provide a meal for those in need. If you love to cook, maybe you could find a place that is in need of some great and tasty recipes. I’m sure there are plenty of folks out there that would absolutely love to try your delicious recipes.
We all have clothes we simply don’t wear anymore, for one reason or another. So, why not find an effective way to make use of clothing that is still great? Well, donating clothing is a great way to help those in need, and there are plenty of ways to donate in each and every community; coat drives, donation boxes, and more.
Sometimes, it feels great to donate the green. This past November 28th, I donated to a few charities to help others. But hey, it doesn’t have to be “Giving Tuesday” for one to donate cash. Any day of the year, if you can, donating money is a great way to help people in need.
Looking for more ways to give back? Search at PCHSearch&Win and PCHFrontpage for opportunities to help others. If you already know how you plan to help, please tell us in the comments section below; we’d love to hear all the ways you plan on giving back this holiday season!
Nicole M.
PCH Creative