A Day In The Life Of Howie From The Prize Patrol!

Many of you probably saw the first installation of “A Day in The Life”, where my fellow colleague, Debbie K., told you all about a day in HER life! Well, as a second installment, we decided to see what a day in the life of cool-dude Prize Patroller, Howie Guja, is like! You’ve seen him in the commercials, you’ve seen him all around our social media pages, but now it’s time to see him in a more personal light! I sat down with Howie and he gave me the run-down on his typical Monday! Keep reading to find out more!
5:30AM – I usually wake up before my alarm goes off about 5:30AM – or my two girls wake me up (they like to be up early!). I’ll take them downstairs to prepare breakfast and start the day.
6:00AM – By 6 I always walk the dog down to the bay, which is at the end of my street. I almost always take a few photos! Depending on the time of year, I try and time my walk with the sunrise.
7:00AM – By 7AM I get my eldest daughter onto the school bus, and then get ready for work. I don’t live that close to PCH headquarters, so my commute can take anywhere from 1-2 hours, depending on weather and traffic. It’s Monday, which means I will be hosting “Inside PCH”, our Facebook Live show at 2PM Eastern Time. It’s every Monday, and you should tune in! We give you behind-the-scenes access to everything going on at PCH each week, and we also give away prizes LIVE!
8:30/9 – Arrive at PCH headquarters, and grab a coffee before reviewing the day’s schedule. New winners are always coming in, and often we have to plan a Prize Patrol trip at a moment’s notice. I’ll check and respond to emails, and then pop down to see Danielle, who is having her hair and makeup done by Jonathan, our star makeup artist. Then I’ll go over to the video studio to have a look at today’s set, and talk to the director Kenny before we start rehearsing.
11AM – At 11 Danielle and I head into the studio together to rehearse for the show.
12PM – We all break and have lunch in the PCH Cafe – which is a really great place to eat.
2PM – We go live! I love that this is a live show – and we are constantly adding new features and new ways to win cash and prizes for every show. The show usually runs for about 20 minutes.
3:30-4:30PM – Back at my desk I catch up on more emails and start researching this week’s winners. A lot of planning goes into these moments, and I get on the phone with Dave and we talk about the winners and the locations with Danielle and Todd. The excitement really starts to build and I can’t wait to meet new winners and change their lives with a PCH Big Check!
4:30-6PM – Drive home. It usually takes me a little longer to get home than it does to get to work!
6:00PM – Take a walk with my family and talk about the day, and then eat a quick dinner.
6:30PM – Get a little fishing in before it gets dark!
8PM – I come home in time to put my girls to bed. Then I will respond to some more emails before watching a little TV or reading.
10PM – I’m out like a light so I can be well rested for the next day!
WOW – Howie seems to have a pretty fast-paced and exciting life, wouldn’t you say? I think he has one of the coolest jobs, and working alongside him is a joy! Did you guys have fun reading what a day in the life of Howie from the Prize Patrol is like? Comment below with your favorite part of his day!
Stay tuned for the next installment of A Day In The Life Of!
Dillon S.
Promotion Development