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If I Win $5,000.00 A Week “Forever”, The First $5,000.00 Is Being Spent On _______

Let’s face it, $5,000.00 A Week “Forever”  is pretty life changing. Getting that money every week for the rest of your life would be pretty mind-blowing. And then being able to pass it on to a loved one? If you won, that would change your family’s life forever!

But let’s think about that first $5,000.00 for a second. For most of us, getting $5,000.00 suddenly dropped in our laps would be a big deal in of itself! What would you spend it on?

The Splurger

Are you The Splurger? This is the person who just can’t hold themselves back. They’re not foolish; they just realize that this is the first of MANY $5,000.00 weekly payments to come, and decides that with all that cash…they might as well start with a major upgrade! It could be on a new wardrobe, a down payment on a fancy car, a quick trip to the tropics, or a crazy spending spree! Are you The Splurger? Even if you’re not, what would you splurge on? Tell us in the comments below!

The Payer

They’re the kind of person who sees that first $5,000.00 as a way to break free from the debt that’s been hanging over their heads! Most Americans carry debt;  whether it’s mortgages, car loans, medical bills or credit card balances. This first $5,000.00 could really help someone get out of debt, or at the very least, take a big step to getting there!

 The Giver

Many of our winners are very generous. “Forever” Prize winner LeRoy Faulks and his wife come to mind, and I’m sure everyone who wins a prize that large would eventually end up gladly helping those in need. But if someone knows they’re getting $5,000.00 a week for life…well, they might decide to make that first prize payout really count. They might say to themselves “I’m going to have so much…I want to make sure I always help those who are less fortunate.” I’ve interviewed many winners, and I’ve heard plenty of stories about their donations to soup kitchens, local charities, donations to large organizations or just random acts of kindness. Would that be you?

The Saver

Or the winner might not spend it at all! They could take that first $5,000.00 check and put it in the bank, invest it in some bonds, put it in the stock market, or stuff it in their mattress! What’s the best investment you can imagine making? Tell us in the comments below!

So, who on the list above are you? Tell us in the comments below! But don’t forget, you have to ENTER to even have a chance…so do it today!

Matt K.
PCH Correspondent

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  1. yes I would like to win the 5,000,00 a week forever prize I would love to accept the number for this ? why to pay off my student loans and pay bills and maybe get a new home or car on aug 31sr prize patrol

  2. Yes PCH, I’m entering again hoping to Win $5,000.00 A Week “Forever “and meet the Prize Patrol on August 31st! Yes I said this before and saying it Now because I want to Win and meet the Prize Patrol!

  3. I would love to win $5,000.00 A WEEK! I would put the first $5,000.00 in part in my Credit Union until I make a decision ! I would use some of it to splurge on my personal needs.

  4. I keep on praying that I will win. After all I put my family through you believed that I was worth your time. I only pray that I am still in your graces. I know that you were always there for me even though I constantly let you down. All that stopped with pastor Matt. I never thought I would be able to trust someone enough to confide and trust that you are still there for me. Thank you

  5. “VIP Elite” Q-70 #1/7 Front Page. Yes I want to win it all and Claim My 10X Bonus entries PCH GWY NO:19500..$5,000.00 a week forever In Just Weeks Guaranteed Winner ? On August 31st.2022 From The Prize Patrol Thanks PCH Millionaire Of The Making Superprize!

  6. I would pay off the bills first. Then think about generous giving to community organizations, family & church. After paying the “obligations” would love to plan a vacation!!!! It’s long overdue….