December PCH Token Exchange Winners!

Wow! 2018 wrapped up in such a strong way with all of these PCH token exchange winners! And 2019 is already off to a great start! Publishers Clearing House is so happy to announce these PCH winners month after month, and December was no different! Keep reading to find out who made the list!
How did you spend your holiday season? Did you get together with loved ones? Did you relax and watch some good movies on TV? Did you eat a great meal? Did you have a great mix of all of those things? Whatever your holidays entailed, we hope you had a great one!
It’s so wonderful that month after month, PCH token exchange winners take home prizes. Right now, right here, in this very blog post, I’m going to mention the names of all the folks that searched at PCHSearch&Win, played at PCHgames, and got in to win on their iPhone or Android on the PCHApp and exchanged their tokens for a shot at prizes … and took home the money!! Take a look!
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We’re so happy for our PCH token exchange winners who won prizes. And yes, you could be one of them too – starting next month! All you have to do is stay in it to win it. It doesn’t cost a dime! PCH loves to award prizes, and we know fans like you love to get chances to win … so it’s PERFECT!
Great news is we’ll be ready to name more PCH token exchange winners by the end of this month, so you know what to do: STAY IN IT TO WIN IT! That’s the best way to know that you could become a PCH prize winner before February. Wow, even just saying that now made me excited. Isn’t it so nice to know that any time, any day, any moment, you can get shots to win amazing prizes from PCH? And for FREE? What could be any better than that?! I hope you’re excited!!
Nicole M.
PCH Creative