Do you ever think about what your SuperPrize winning moment would be like? Do you ever worry that we would catch you in your pajamas or wonder if you’d be in the shower? You know we would catch you off guard – and you know we’d find you no matter where you were … but where would you be? What would you be doing? And MOST IMPORTANTLY, what would you be wearing during your winning moment?!! Well, here’s a cute little game I came up with that will answer that very important question!
Just choose your birth month and combine it with your favorite color to get your fabulous Winning Moment outfit!
Well, what would you be wearing for your SuperPrize Winning Moment? Make sure to shout it out in the comments below! Now I can’t have a winning moment because I work for PCH, but I can still play this game, so my funny wardrobe combo is “Old suspenders.” Well, I certainly hope they’re holding up some fabulous jeans!! Haha … And because I can’t help myself, I have to mention Autumn’s winning moment ensemble … my beautiful rescue dog would be wearing a muddy life vest for her winning moment! Now that’s actually believable!
We’ve seen some pretty interesting winning moment wardrobes at PCH, like: curlers, pajamas, bathrobes, bath towels, bathing suits, even scrubs. But catching our winners off guard is half the fun! And while at first they may be thinking, “oh no I’m in my workout clothes,” the mild embarrassment goes away fast once they’re holding that “big check!”
Either way, no matter if one is wearing an evening gown or plastic leg warmers (July-Black above), a winning moment is a wonderful thing, and I certainly hope you get yours in 2019! So, keep entering to win!
Hope you had a little fun with this game, and hope it made you wonder what you would be wearing during your SuperPrize winning moment!
Tina P.
Online Creative