How To Auto-Deposit

Recently I saw an article that stated that 96% of employees choose auto-deposit for their paychecks. That’s almost everybody. Does that include you guys? The reason I’m even mentioning this is because of our $7,000.00 A Week For Life SuperPrize, which we’re ready to award on April 26th, so, I thought I’d better go over how to auto deposit – just in case YOU WIN!
Just think of it – Lifetime payments of $7,000.00 A Week For Life! That could be a lot of trips to the bank OR you could have those payments deposited directly into your bank account! It’s really easy and convenient. You just set it up with the organization that’s paying you – in the case of prize payments, that would be PCH – and voila – you’d be ready for the money to electronically pour in!
All the information that would be needed is probably already on one of your bank checks, making it fast and easy! Then, you’re all set for auto-deposit! Now, if you were to win our $7,000.00 A Week For Life SuperPrize, you could just watch those lifetime payments hit your account week after week after week. They sure add up – and fast, too! Auto-deposit is faster than paper checks – no wait time for the money to hit! It’s free, easy, and convenient!
But not everyone wants auto-deposit, and that’s perfectly fine. Paper checks are still money! You can take a $7 Grand paper check to the bank every week – if you won the $7,000.00 A Week For Life SuperPrize, that is. So, which do YOU prefer: auto-deposit or paper checks? Either way, make sure you enter to win!
Tina P.
Online Creative
P.S. My bank checks have pictures of Snoopy on them – what do yours have? Tell me below!