I bet most of America is thinking about ways to get out of debt. Are you one of them? Have you ever considered PCH as an option? I’m sure it’s not the first way that comes to mind but imagine if you won a SuperPrize like the one that’s going on now – $7,000.00 a Week For Life. That could help you get out of debt fast!
If you ask me, entering the PCH sweepstakes should be part of your daily routine. I mean, you never know, right? It’s free… it’s fun… it’s totally possible to win! And if you don’t believe me, check out this article by U.S. News! (https://money.usnews.com/money/personal-finance/articles/14-best-sweepstakes-to-enter-this-year) We are number one on their list.
Let’s take a look at some ways to get out of debt with PCH. We’re going to start with the big guns – the SuperPrize. Have you entered yet? Please make sure you do – as many times as you can. Here’s a great article by fellow blogger Russell S:
7 Ways to Enter to Win $7,000 A Week for Life
And here is another by fellow Blogger Marybeth:
7 “Fool-Proof” Ways to Enter to Win $7,000.00 A Week For Life!
But there are lots of great sweeps to enter in addition to the SuperPrize:
PCH Sweepstakes
When you go to PCH’s sweepstake page, you’ll see lots of different contests to enter. And they’re all super-fun.
With so many ways to win BIG MONET at PCH, it would be silly not to. So next time you or someone you know is thinking about ways to get out of debt, make sure you mention PCH! It just might change your life! Best of luck and enter, enter, enter!
Tina P.
Online Creative:
P.S. April 23rd is the last day to enter to win the $7,000.00 A Week For Life SuperPrize, so hurry! Enter now before it’s too late! We’ll soon be taking a Special Early Look to see if the winning number has been returned. If there is no match, we’ll award a base prize to an alternate winner in a random drawing from among all timely entries. So, it’s important that you get those entries in before the deadline to be in the running for $7,000.00 A Week For Life!