$5,000.00 A Week For Life Is Guaranteed To Be Awarded!

I’m sure you’re aware by now that our current SuperPrize is $5,000.00 A Week For Life. You’re probably also aware that this lifetime prize amount for Giveaway No. 13000 is Guaranteed To Be Awarded. That’s right. We’ll be looking to see if the matching winning number has been timely returned to find our winner and award the BIG prize on August 30th. If the matching winning number has not been returned, we’ll run a second chance random drawing among all eligible entries and pick the winner. And that winner will still win the lifetime prize amount of $5,000.00 A Week For Life. That’s why we can say “$5,000.00 A Week For Life Is Guaranteed To Be Awarded!”
I love winning moments. I get emotional watching people’s wild reactions. They always feel so happy and grateful. For some people, it’s not just a life changer, but also a life saver. These are truly magical moments, and for me, they never get old. I’m particularly excited to see the winning moment for this one, because we can say with absolute certainty that $5,000.00 A Week For Life will definitely be awarded on August 30th and it will certainly change, or maybe save, someone’s life for the better in so many ways!
Having said all that, let me reiterate that someone will win $5,000.00 A Week For Life on August 30th! No entry – no chance of winning. So, get those entries in! Don’t forget — $5,000.00 A Week For Life is Guaranteed To Be Awarded!
I think you should be all set for now. You know what the current SuperPrize is, and you know it’s Guaranteed To Be Awarded on August 30th. Now, all you need to do is enter to win! Tell me how much you want to win in the comments below! Best of Luck!
Tina P.
Online Creative