How Much Do You Want To Win For Life From PCH Sweepstakes?

I’ll cut right to the chase: $5,000.00 A Week For Life is guaranteed to be awarded and winner selection is imminent — yes, August 30th is award day — which means the Prize Patrol could be headed YOUR way to award a millionaire-making fortune. With that in mind, we encourage you to read the following blog post very carefully IF YOU WANT TO WIN FOR LIFE AT THE END OF THIS MONTH!
Now, how much do you want to win for life? We’re sure you’d love to receive weekly payments every week for the rest of your life from PCH Sweepstakes, right?! Now, here’s the deal: IF YOU WANT TO WIN FOR LIFE, YOU BETTER ENTER AT PCH!
You see, very soon, we’ll be closing the August 30th “Win For Life” contest entry file in order to select our Lifetime Winner and determine the Prize Patrol’s destination on award day! Best yet, YOU COULD WIN and the PCH Prize Patrol could travel to YOUR HOME to personally congratulate you on the big win and deliver your very first $5,000.00 check — AS LONG AS YOU GET IN TO WIN PCH SWEEPSTAKES!
Yep, it’s true: If you win for life, the checks would just keep coming in week after week! Now just imagine what “Winning For Life” means: Each and every week, the bell would ring at your front door, you’d go to your doorstep, and the mail carrier would hand you a Certified Mail envelope with a $5,000.00 check made out to YOU! And with award day fast approaching and the Prize Patrol guaranteed to deliver, we could start delivering those weekly payments to you in no time… pretty soon, YOU could become the news-making winner in your town — AND ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS ENTER TO WIN!
So, HOW MUCH DO YOU WANT TO WIN FOR LIFE? Tell us in the comments section below. Because, simply put, $5,000.00 A Week For Life could all become yours in just weeks as long as you claim your shots to win it at PCH Sweepstakes! Yes, simply by entering to win, you could set yourself up with financial security FOR LIFE! GO AHEAD: ENTER TO WIN AT PCH SWEEPSTAKES IF YOU WANT YOUR HOME BE OUR FINAL DESTINATION ON AWARD DAY… AND IF YOU WANT YOUR LIFE TO BE CHANGED FOR THE BETTER AT THE END OF THIS MONTH!
Nicole M.
PCH Creative