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Debt isn’t necessarily a fun topic to talk about, but let’s be honest, it’s important to talk about it. Debt is an unfortunate reality that so many people in our country face. It’s true that accruing debt is often the only way to afford big ticket items, and those monthly credit card bills have become just another fact of life for so many of us. Don’t you wish sometimes that you could just snap your fingers and poof every cent of debt disintegrated into thin air?

But to the disappointment of many, it isn’t that easy to be rid of debt … and that, of course, is why it’s often common to research ways to pay off your debt. You could search far and wide, and spend so much time and energy researching ways to pay off your debt … or, you could choose a more fun path for a possible solution. Why not play the PCH Sweepstakes and get in to win $10,000.00 to pay off debt?

That’s right! You could win $10,000.00 to Pay Off Your Debt. Think about it. How helpful would it be if $10,000.00 landed on your plate and you could start paying off those bills that are weighing on your shoulders? Rent … PAID! Car loan bill … PAID! Utility bills … PAID! Medical bill … PAID! Credit card bill … PAID! The list could go on and on!

Please be advised, though, that your shot to win $10,000.00 to Pay Off Your Debt will not be available for much longer. It’s true. There are just a few days left to enter to win this incredible prize amount from PCH Sweepstakes. You must enter by the 9/15 deadline to get in to win $10,000.00 to help pay off your debt! So do it today! Best of luck!

Nicole M.
PCH Creative

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  1. WOW! $10,000.00! Yes PCH , I want to Win and meet the Prize Patrol on September 30th at the McBride House, $$$ $$$$$$$$$ Drive, $$$$$ $$$$, Florida! Thanks again PCH, God Bless.