Wincredible News You Don’t Want To Miss!

Hey, Blog Readers,
I know it’s been awhile since you’ve heard from me, but that’s because I’ve been super busy – working with the team on something new and amazing that’s even BIGGER than Wincredible! And I’ve got a huge INSIDER SCOOP to share, so keep reading! I can’t wait to hear what you think about it!
First, though, I want to make sure I get you up to speed on all the Wincredible action this month. We’ve added more content, created more exciting, featured “all day games” with themes like America The Beautiful, Winter Sports (shown above), Famous Fads, and even Greek Gods! They change daily and they’re all really exciting, so I hope you’ve been checking them out!
But that’s not all that’s been happening this month… the Multiplayer Cash Tournaments have also been creating winners like crazy. So far this month, we’ve had people take home so much cash, you might even say it’s “Wincredible”! Like Brick T. of San Francisco, CA who took home an incredible $750.00… Patrick T. who took home $250.00… and Sam W. who scored $400.00 competing for Live cash prizes! But they didn’t take home ALL the cash! There were lots of other winners too like, Jay C., Matthew F., Peppy H. and Robert M. who won $50.00 cash prizes just for playing those fun visual trivia games!
Yes, there’s been so much winning – and January isn’t over yet – so if you’ve got the Wincredible App, make sure you keep playing and you could become our next big WINNER!
And… speaking of winning… it’s time for my BIG INSIDER ANNOUNCEMENT! We’ve come up with a brand-new way to win that we’re introducing in February, and it’s so AMAZING it’s going to make you quiz lovers really, really happy. It’s called Quizmania – and it takes all your favorite trivia games you love from Wincredible and pairs them with even MORE fun quizzes AND daily Token Rewards that could win you big prizes in the PCHrewards Token Exchange!
That’s right – we’re enhancing the Wincredible App, and changing the name to Quizmania, to bring you more quizzes and more Tokens than ever before – because fans like you deserve the very best! And, we’ve seen your comments – we know you Android fans want in on the action – and that you iPhone players want more ways to score Token Rewards — so I’m happy to report that we’ll be working to make the Quizmania App available on iPhone (in early February) AND Android (soon after) so everyone can enjoy it and get in on the 25,000 Daily Token Challenge plus other fun ways to score big!
I’ll be back on the blog to tell you more about it as soon as I can, but if you’re playing Wincredible (and I hope you are), remember the Quizmania App is coming soon and it’s going to be EVEN BETTER!
So, for now, Blog Readers, tell me below if you’re as excited about the new Quizmania App as I am – and keep playing with PCH for even more ways to win!
Good Luck,
Laurel U.
PCH Creative
P.S. If you love Wincredible quizzes and big prizes, don’t miss your shot at the SuperPrize today at PCHquizzes!