Last Updated: March 9, 2020

Do you ever find yourself thinking if you could do it over again, you’d do things differently? I certainly have. So many of us wish we could just hit the “Pause Life” button and just start all over again. Well, if this thought has crossed your mind, I may have an option for you. Need a new start? Enter to Win $7,000.00 A Week For Life!

If you won a PCH SuperPrize like $7,000.00 A Week For Life, where you would have payments of $7,000.00 coming in week after week for your entire lifetime, how would your life change? Would you move? Start a new career? Extend your family? Would you start over? I would love to hear your thoughts and dreams, and your version of what a new start would be. Let’s all share in the comments below.

Win $7,000.00 A Week For Life and Start New!

While we’re talking about a new start and the PCH SuperPrize sweepstakes, let’s get a few dates out of the way. The award date for $7,000.00 A Week For Life is April 30th, and the deadline to enter is April 27th. So, make sure you’re in to win or you won’t stand a chance, and there’s absolutely no reason for that. Also, our April 30th prize event is what we call a Special Early Look. If there is no matching winning number, we will go to a second chance drawing for a big $1,000,000.00 award. Either way, someone is becoming a millionaire.

Need A New Start? Enter to Win $7,000.00 A Week For Life!

Now that you’ve had time to gather your thoughts, how would you start new or start fresh if you won with PCH? I feel compelled to mention over and over that there are way more PCH sweepstakes than just the SuperPrize. Granted, the SuperPrize is one of our popular favorites, but there many more ways to win money at PCH – and to get rich too. Just look at our sweepstakes page. There are so many PCH cash contests to choose from – but why choose at all? Just enter ALL of them! And make sure to enter to win $7,000.00 A Week For Life. That’s my advice – whether you’re looking for a new start or not! Now, get in to win and good luck!

Tina P.
Online Creative