7 Ways $7,000.00 A Week For Life Could Change Your Life!

Last Updated: June 8, 2022

Hello! Everyone can use some cash relief now. It’s a good thing that $7,000.00 A Week For Life is authorized for award in the August 31st special early look event which is ONLY WEEKS away! I’ve come up with a neat list of 7 ways $7,000.00 A Week For Life (link to PCH.com) could change your life if you were to win the SuperPrize, so check it out:

1. Live A Debt Free Life!

Seriously, this one is the most life-changing! Just imagine this, your credit cards are paid off, you have no car payments to even think about, and that mortgage you’ve been worried about over the past few years? Easy, it’s paid off as well! Living debt free sure sounds SUPER enticing right about now, doesn’t it?

2. Give Back To The Community!

I know so many PCHers already volunteer their time to give back to their fellow communities by working at soup kitchens or donating items to people in need. Therefore, $7,000.00 A Week For Life could definitely help a winner change someone else’s life as well!

3. Let Your Stress And Worries Fade Away!

$7,000.00 A Week For Life could help you to finally relax! You could breathe a sigh of relief when you open your mail because you know you’ve got the cash to pay your bills!

4. You Could Meet A Prize Patrol Member!

For many PCHers, I know it’s their dream to win a SuperPrize and have that winning moment recorded. A PCH Prize Patrol member at your door with a “Big Check”? Yes, please!

5. Watch Your Bank Account Grow!

Instead of watching your bank account balance get lower and lower, $7,000.00 A Week For Life could help you to reach your financial goals.

6. You Could Become The Favorite Relative!

I’m just saying, when it comes time for birthday parties, kids always have their favorite relative that always gives them great presents or an envelope with money!

7. Travel The Country!

I’ve always wanted to pack a duffel bag, grab a map and just go on a road trip. $7,000.00 A Week For Life could help a winner achieve that life-changing road trip or even visit a new state they’ve never been to before.

Now It’s Your Turn!

Of course, there are so many more ways winning could change your life! Whether you’d use this millionaire-making prize to help your own life change for the better or you would help others (or both), I’d love to know what ways $7,000.00 A Week For Life could change your life! In the comments below, let me know your top 7 — I can’t wait to read them!

Good luck entering to win $7,000.00 A Week For Life!

Ilona K.
PCH Creative

P.S. If an entry with the matching winner number is not returned on time or is ineligible, there will be a Second Chance drawing — and all eligible numbers will get in to win a guaranteed $1,000,000.00 prize!