Test Your Inner Botanist With PCHquizzes!

Hello, PCH friends! Have you taken a PCH quiz today? If not, then I can’t wait to tell you about the amazing flower quizzes available in the trivia section of PCHquizzes! Maybe you’ve already taken a quiz today but are hungry for another one — I’ve got you covered there too!
Personally, I’m a fan of taking quizzes, specifically trivia quizzes. I love when I get the answer right because it makes me feel very knowledgeable. If you’ve got that inner botanist inside of you and are ready to put your flower power to the test, then I invite you to take a sneak peek at these quizzes! Maybe you’ll feel inspired to start your own flower garden after reading this post!
Does this gorgeous pink flower look more like a tulip or a lotus flower? Think you can name all the pink flowers in the quiz? Then check out the “Name This Pink Flower” quiz at PCHquizzes and really test yourself! Then, comment how many you got right in the comments below!
Maybe pink flowers are not your thing, but you’re an expert on white flowers! Well, good thing I have a white flowers quiz for you! Look at that pretty flower above, do you think it’s a hibiscus or spider mum? Take this quiz right here and you could find out for yourself!
I know a rose can be red and that’s about it. The flower above is definitely NOT a rose however, so what could it be? PCHquizzes(link) says it’s either a prickly pear or dahlia. Wow, some of these flowers have names I’ve never heard of before like prickly pear — what an interesting flower name! You can take the red flower quiz right here!
Daffodils are yellow flowers, right? Sorry to break it to you, but this isn’t a daffodil. It’s either a buttercup or narcissus flower! Who knew buttercup is both a Powerpuff Girl AND a flower! Test your yellow flower skills at PCHquizzes!
And last but not least I give you the purple flower quiz. I think my mom has this flower in her garden, but I can’t seem to remember the name. According to PCHquizzes it’s either a lilac or dogwood flower. Can anyone help me out in the comments below?
After being teased with so many flowers in this blog post, I’m itching to know what each one is called! Tulip or lotus flower? Hibiscus or spider mum? After taking these FREE, FUN quizzes at PCHquizzes, I’m sure all of you can now tell me confidently if that purple flower is a lilac or not.
Happy quiz taking!
Ilona K.
PCH Creative