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What Would $7,000.00 A Week For Life Mean To You?

Hello everyone, can you imagine living a life with no financial worries? You wouldn’t have to stress over where you’re going to get the money to pay your next bill! Or you could easily afford that new car you’ve needed for a while now. Well then, I have some great news for you!

As most of you probably already know, our amazing $7,000.00 A Week For Life sweepstakes that’s authorized for award in August’s special early look event is CURRENTLY going on! That means if you’ve already entered, there’s still time to get even MORE entries in. It also means if you haven’t entered already, don’t worry, you can still enter right now! In fact, you can get in to win this millionaire-making prize all the way up until the deadline of August 26th! With only a month left to get your entries in, what are you waiting for?

So now the big question of this blog post is: What would $7,000.00 A Week For Life mean to you? Would it mean paying off your mortgage or credit card bills? Or helping out the community? Maybe after becoming financially set for life with this life-changing prize, you would finally be able to help out your family and friends! After you’ve covered the essentials like food, insurance, utilities and mortgage, wouldn’t it be so nice to be able to help out the people in your community?

Perhaps $7,000.00 A Week For Life would mean that a trip around the USA is in your future. If you’ve always wanted to visit another state or attraction like Niagara Falls for example, $7,000.00 A Week For Life could make that possible! Wouldn’t it be SO NICE to be able to go on a trip without having to worry about the gas, food, or hotel costs? A trip without any financial worries? Yes, please —count me in!

Now that I’ve brainstormed some ideas for you, I want to know from you all: What would $7,000.00 A Week For Life mean to you? Do you think about being being debt-free, helping out the community or taking a trip? Or would $7,000.00 A Week For Life mean something completely different to you? Let me know in the comments! Your ticket to securing that financial freedom starts with entering to win $7,000.00 A Week For Life, so don’t forget to enter!

Good luck!

Ilona K.
PCH Creative

P.S. If an entry with the matching winner number is not returned on time or is ineligible, there will be a Second Chance drawing — and all eligible numbers will get in to win a guaranteed $1,000,000.00 prize!

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  1. I have been playing PCH for years now. Many years. It’s frustrating at times, although someone must win. For me at this point in my life winning PCH I would give back to my community. My dream is to see a fine arts center a place to express creative talents. Kids would have a safe place and get them doing creative projects. And maybe a nice vacation.

  2. Hello! I’ve been entering for many years. Thank You for giving me a chance to win. I’m going to keep on trying. Some people don’t believe y’all are real but I do thank you, PCH.

  3. Thank you for giving me a chance to play if I win this prize 7,000 aweek for life or super prize my #19500 I CAN REBUILD a better life with my family ? i would
    like to say a early congratulations to the winners ? ? only the prize patrol pick there winners so have fun you guys and keep entering you never know what city the prize patrol are coming so you got to be in it to win it ?

  4. With my winnings, I’d build on lands I bought. Build Boys and Girls Club with activities for kids and Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts, and same with girls too. And gym to play indoor hockey, basketball, pool tables, foosball, wood shop, metal shop, ceramics and other crafts. No donations just C or better on report cards and attendance to provide meals and computer labs. All the needs they need, like clothes, food and all, even an indoor swimming pool housing on different sites for different areas of needs. ECT safety for all, like a unknown or named site for battered women and families too and other place for vets no alcohol or drug abuse and places learn trades for jobs or counseling for PTSD, ECT and wounded warriors too. Families of low income sect 8 but only charge 1/3 rd. For rent services and utilities, and cable and pool on site, bus to commute to Boys and Girls Club, where there’s also childcare too so both parents can work and get ahead. All get medical care and enrolled in insurance for medical care. Other half, I’d drive around and give diapers and other needs. But 1 person can only do so much and I’d recruit help too. It all funds for use to help others and live off my draw winnings. I’d try to feed and provide safe housing and medical care for anyone who wants help. $7,000 can only do so much. I’d save and then do it. Tithe to church and do my own ministry by building Boys and Girls Club and Kitchen, all just like I had growing up in SoCal. We even had private area for seniors. I’m ready and willing to win and help myself and others who are in need. THANK YOU, STEPHEN.

  5. After paying off my debt, I would take over my disabled mother & father’s mortgage.
    Fix my disabled Aunt’s house so my cousin and her kids can live there too.
    Finally buy that property and build my own house.
    After I would want to support direct action charities in my city.
    Nothing but blessings, here’s hoping.

  6. Winning the 7000 dollar a week prize. Would be a special gift to our family. A blessing from God. It’s been a hard year and it been a complete struggle. But winning something so amazing I’d help others who are struggling like my family is . It may be just hopes or dreams but I get on my PCH+ app and my Steve Harvey word game and try to hopefully be blessed one day.

  7. Winning a $7000 a week for life is a miracle. No more working, built your own business, more time with your wife and kids, and especially use the word of God to share it out to people so they understand the life that we have now and the rapture is near. I’m the winner for this $7000 a week for life. Thank you and God Bless…………

    1. Thanks PCH you’re the best handing out prizes like Santa Claus ?, thanks PCH I know that many lives around the world have changed because PCH 7000 a week for life can change my life and families life forever, off all bills being caught up in debt free will be a blessing to start my business to be able to invest in my prototype for my invention will mean the world to me in my family, God bless you guys !