24-year old Prize Patrol Winner Melody Prayed For Sweepstakes Win!

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

I prayed for this.
And I was beginning to lose faith.
But now I believe.
I believe.

Melody Bingham

Those are the powerful words that Prize Patrol winner Melody Bingham spoke after her emotional Sweepstakes win last week.

A 24-year old nursing student about to complete her degree, Melody was in for the shock of her life when Laura W. and yours truly traveled to Round Rock, Texas to surprise her with a $10,000.00 Big Check.

It all happened last Wednesday, July 17th. Laura and I took off from New York first thing in the morning, and everything was going as smoothly as we could have hoped for. Our plane departed without any delays…we had no trouble locating Melody’s home…there was just one problem: she wasn’t there.

Waiting For Prize Patrol Winner

What do we do? Talk to the neighbors, of course! Unfortunately, we didn’t gather much from them. Many were also not home, and the ones who were didn’t know too much about Melody. Turns out she and her husband had just moved into the neighborhood a few months before.

What do we do now? Wait! And wait we did…for over an hour. But we were getting restless. Laura and I don’t get to award Big Checks as often as Prize Patrol Elite members Dave, Todd and Danielle do – and we were excited! Very excited! We had a Big Check for Melody and we wanted to give it to her…STAT!

Prize Patrol Winner Melody Bingham

So we decided to do some sleuthing. We hadn’t been able to find any work contact information online for Melody or her husband – so we checked to see if there was anything for her parents. Luck was on our side, because we quickly found a number for her father! We got him on the phone, hoping he could tell us when Melody would be expected home or where she worked, but he gave us more than that – Melody was at his house at that very moment!

We quickly hit the gas and were on our way to Melody’s parents’ home (which fortunately was only a few minutes away!) And as with all Prize Patrol trips, the secret was completely safe from Melody – she had NO idea what was about to happen.

A few minutes later, we arrived and were more than ready for our big surprise! But Melody surely wasn’t…watch what happened now!


Melody was THRILLED to have won! She went through every emotion we’ve ever seen – complete and utter shock, tears of joy, and my ultimate favorite: the classic winner jump and scream! Melody called her husband at work to share the good news.

Sweepstakes Win

They’ve been married just 2-1/2 years and could really use the money. After just purchasing their first home, bills had started to pile up and the young couple had been very worried about what they would do next.

Congratulations, Melody! We couldn’t be happier for you. And to all you PCH fans out there, KEEP THE FAITH! Believe that you can win, enter every chance you can, and YOU could be the one with the Sweepstakes win next!

Amanda C., PCH Creative

Amanda C.
PCH Creative