$50,000.00 Summer Cash Giveaway Event

Last Updated: June 8, 2022

Hello again! It’s hot, hot, HOT out there, and guess what’s even hotter? Our $50,000.00 Summer Cash Giveaway Event! Now through August 3rd, you can get in to WIN a cool FIFTY GRAND!

Just imagine this…you get up bright and early on the morning of August 14th, and while you’re sipping on your iced coffee you look out the window. Wait a second – whose van just pulled up?


Maybe in this dream, Howie has the BIG CHECK while Danielle is carrying a dazzling bouquet of flowers and Todd has a bottle of champagne. AND IT WOULD ALL BE FOR YOU!

Wouldn’t that be AMAZING???

If $50,000.00 came my way, it would be a blessing indeed! I would get HUGE CASH RELIEF and finally be able to pay some debts. Not to mention all the fun stuff I might be able to get too!

Now, since I’m a PCH employee, I can’t get in to win this — or any other — incredible sweepstakes prize. But there’s no reason YOU CAN’T – and every reason that YOU SHOULD!

You know what else is really exciting??? The PCH $50,000.00 Summer Cash Giveaway is GUARANTEED for award! This amazing prize will be delivered to the winner by THE PRIZE PATROL on 8/14!

Cool, right?

Here are the best ways to make sure you get in to WIN:

Use the PCH app! See just how easy it is to get in to win with just a tap. The PCH App has exclusive perks, daily prize giveaways, extra entries to the PCH SuperPrize, big token rewards and lots more! Don’t have the PCH app? Go here and download it now.

Visit PCH.com and get in to win this prize AND lots of other fantastic prizes too, including our $7,000.00 A WEEK FOR LIFE SUPERPRIZE!

Check your inbox! If you’re already signed up for our emails, great! Be sure to open them and get in to WIN $50,000.00!

And if you’re not signed up yet, don’t waste another second: register to receive our emails – at PCHlotto, PCHfrontpage, PCHSearch&Win, PCHgames, or at PCHQuizzes.

Get in to win, and who knows? Maybe you’ll live the dream, meet the Prize Patrol, and hold the BIG CHECK worth FIFTY. THOUSAND. DOLLARS!

Good luck!

All the best,

Maria S.
PCH Online Creative