7 Reasons To Enter To Win $7,000 A Week For Life!

Last Updated: March 24, 2017
7 Reasons To Enter To Win $7,000 A Week For Life!)

Hi everyone,

This post is being brought to you today by the number 7. Remember that from Sesame Street? So in honor of today’s sponsor, lucky number 7, I’m going to share with you my seven reasons for you to enter to win our $7,000.00 A Week For Life SuperPrize, which will be ready for award just over a month from now, on April 28th! Here we go!

  1. You Could Get RICH Overnight!

Imagine going to bed one night as usual, only to learn that you won an amazing Lifetime Prize the next day! Your entire life would change in an instant!


  1. It’s FREE To Enter!

I’m sure you already know, entering to win is ALWAYS 100% FREE! So if you have the chance to win a life-changing fortune without putting any money down – not even a single dollar – then why on Earth wouldn’t you?


  1. You Could RETIRE Early!

“I don’t want to retire early,” said no one ever! Ha! But really … imagine having the luxury to actually choose whether or not to work. Man, wouldn’t that be great? Would you retire early if you could?


  1. You Could Live Out Your DREAMS

Just think of it … you could be living out your dreams instead of dreaming about living the life. Financial problems wouldn’t hold you back from doing everything you’ve ever wanted. What do you dream about someday doing that you can’t do now?


  1. You Could HELP Your Loved Ones

I bet almost everyone at some point has wished – and even prayed – that they could help a loved one in need. If you won a lifetime prize, you could, and it would feel so incredible!


  1. You Could Start On That BUCKET LIST

Not having the time or the money are probably the two biggest Bucket List buzzkills. But with the financial freedom that comes with winning a Lifetime Prize, you’d have plenty of both. What’s on your bucket list?


Let’s face it … with nothing to lose and only an enormous fortune to gain, there truly is no good reason not to enter. Entering only takes seconds, is totally free, and is super fun! And let’s not forget, you could win a fortune like $7,000.00 A Week For Life! So go for it and enter today!

Well, there you have it. My seven reasons for you to enter to win a $7,000.00 A Week For Life SuperPrize. What did you think? Now we all know that there are plenty of other great reasons for you guys to enter to win a Lifetime Prize. So feel free to mention them in the comments below. I’d love to hear your thoughts, and I bet you’ll inspire others in the process. In the meantime, please keep the faith. Rome wasn’t built in a day, so stay positive, enjoy the journey and hold onto your dreams. Enter now!

See you next time,

Tina P.
Online Creative