PCH Facebook Scammers Target Publishers Clearing House Employees

Last Updated: November 4, 2015

Beware of PCH Facebook scammers pretending to be real Publishers Clearing House employees!

Andy Goldberg
Deborah Holland
John Princiotta
Todd Sloane
Craig Anderson
Rick Busch
Bill Low
Anita Goldstein
Kevin Prinz
Wendy Smith
Susan Manning
Keith Bergendorff

Do these names sound familiar to you? They just might, because they’re all part of the Leadership Team here at Publishers Clearing House. Maybe you’ve seen their photos on our site  or read about them in the PCH blog. They’re always hard at work to ensure you have the best possible experience at PCH!

But, one thing they never do is send out friend requests to our fans on Facebook. So if you do receive a friend request, chat request or private message from someone claiming to be Andy Goldberg, Deborah Holland, Josh Glantz, (or anyone else from PCH, for that matter) ― they are NOT who they claim to be! They are PCH scammers on Facebook!

Unfortunately, some criminals are creating fake profiles of prominent figures within our company and reaching out to good, unsuspecting people with the intent to scam them. It’s important for you to be able to tell the difference between the real PCH on Facebook and imposters.

So here’s the first thing you should know:
What are Publishers Clearing House’s official Fan Pages on Facebook that our fans can connect with and enjoy?

Here’s a complete list:
Publishers Clearing House
PCH Prize Patrol
Rest assured, you can safely follow Publishers Clearing House on all these pages! But remember: no one affiliated with our official PCH Fan Pages will ever send you a friend request or private message.  If you look closely at our legitimate pages, you will notice that they are Fan Pages for businesses and public figures. It’s impossible to send friend requests from this type of page.

If you DO receive a request from someone claiming to be from Publishers Clearing House, either an employee or from the Prize Patrol, you can be certain that it’s a fraudster who is trying to scam you or wrongfully obtain your personal information.

So what do you do if it happens to you?

Do not – I repeat DO NOT – add this person as a friend. Click “Not Now” on the request. Facebook will then ask you if you know this person outside of Facebook. Click “No” and the person will be blocked and unable to send you any additional friend requests.

If you have already accepted a friend request from a PCH Scammer, please cut and paste their information in the browser and send it to the administrator of one of our legitimate pages so we can report them to Facebook as well. After you’ve done that, block them right away.

We want to put a stop to PCH scammers fraudulently using our good name and the names of our real PCH employees on Facebook. Please remember that no one from Publishers Clearing House will ever send you a friend request. More importantly, the real PCH will never ask you to pay a cent to claim a prize!

I hope that the information above will help you be able to tell the difference between the real PCH on Facebook and pages created by PCH Facebook scammers. As always, let us know if you have any questions!

Stay safe fans!

Elaina R.
PCH Online Creative