PCH Fan on Facebook Follows Clues and Finds Prize Patrol at Door!

Last Updated: March 6, 2015

PCH Fan On Facebook

Often, PCH fans on Facebook ask the question: “When is a PCH fan on Facebook going to win a big prize?” We’ve already had a few winners, and I’m so happy to say that now we have another!

On the morning of October 3rd, Mary Croll of Metairie, Louisiana (a town right outside New Orleans), was entering the PCH sweepstakes and following Dave Sayer’s PCH Prize Patrol Fan Page clues. Mary knew the Prize Patrol was on the move again, on their way to award another $10,000 prize! Mary, like many of you, had been following the posted clues since they started the previous day. So far, her state and town were still in the running and she was hoping that the Prize Patrol were on their way to surprise HER this time.

And that’s when she heard a knock at her door. Yes, while Mary was entering the sweepstakes and following the clues, the Prize Patrol showed up at HER door. How cool is that?

Filled with joy and unable to stop smiling, Mary happily accepted the $10,000 Big Check AND the real check from Dave Sayer. “What’s the first thing you’re going to do with the money?” we asked, expecting one of the typical answers like pay bills, put into savings, etc. But her answer was anything but typical. “Buy a lawnmower!” exclaimed Mary, gesturing to her untended lawn. We haven’t heard that one before!


Realizing that she had more than enough money to buy a new lawnmower, Mary followed up with a few more ideas on how to spend her prize. Fix her car! Go on vacation to Arkansas! And, her grandson’s first birthday is coming up so she hopes to travel and spend his special day with him. All great ideas!

Here’s what makes this prize great for EVERYONE. Mary is a registered PCHSuperfan, which means her $10,000 prize was DOUBLED to $20,000. And while that’s terrific for Mary, it also means that a few other PCHSuperfans will get a prize too! Stay tuned — we’ll be posting an update on what additional prizes are going to be awarded very soon.

Congratulations again to Mary Croll! And to all other PCH fans on Facebook, stay positive! It really can happen to you!

Laura At PCH

Laura W.
Promotion Development

P.S. What would be the first thing YOU would purchase with your prize money?