Last Updated: January 21, 2014

PCH Superfan winner

Barbie Tallent who lives just outside Chattanooga, Tennessee, was cleaning her house and cooking some chicken, not expecting anything special to happen the morning of January 14, when the doorbell rang.  She answered it, and who should be standing there – with roses, balloons, champagne, a video crew, and a Big Check for $10,000.00, but the most welcome unexpected guests in America: The Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol!

Almost at a complete loss for words due to the shock, Barbie could only exclaim “I can’t believe this.”

Then there was another surprise.  It turned out that Barbie was a fan of the PCH Fan Page on Facebook  for some time and had become one of our valued PCHsuperfans.  Because of that I was able to present her a second Big Check and announce, “You haven’t won $10,000.  You’ve won $20,000!” (Remember everyone, as a PCHsuperfan you get the chance to DOUBLE THE MONEY on any PCH prize you may win from $10,000 to $1,000,000!)

At this point Barbie gasped for breath and was totally speechless.  After a few seconds she said “Well, I’ve seen this on TV, but I never expected it would happen to me.”

All I can say to common responses like this is “Well, if you enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes every chance you get, you’d better be prepared to win.”

Barbie is a charming and very active senior citizen with children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and four great-great grandchildren!  In a phone conversation two days after her win, she told me she was finally getting “Back to earth.”  She said, “I’m sorry I acted so stupid the other day; but I simply could not believe it!”

Well, Barbie is one smart cookie.  But I must admit “I don’t believe it” is probably the most common refrain we hear from winners – not only at the “winning moment,” but for days afterward.  Barbie tells us that when her large family assembled that night they couldn’t believe it either.  Now the whole town believes it – including the dumbfounded people at the bank where the $20,000 prize check is safely deposited.

Yes indeed, Barbie and ALL our winners of thousands and millions of dollars will be the first ones to tell you that you should believe it and ENTER every chance you get – because real people really win at Publishers Clearing House, just “as seen on TV.”

So enter today at pch.com.  And don’t forget to do like Barbie did: follow us on Facebook and become a SuperFan  – and you too could win DOUBLE THE MONEY!

Congratulations Barbie, and the best of luck to all.

Dave Sayer

Dave Sayer
Prize Patrol Ambassador

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